Help with Fishless Cycling


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Union County, New Jersey
I'm on day 18 of my first ever fishless cycle. This is a 55 gallon tank with sand substrate with live &fake plants.

When I first filled the tank, the water was still a little milky even though I washed the sand like 40-50 times first. So, my husband kindly did a large water change for me which cleared it up. I started the cycle the next day. I only realized about 5 days ago that he didn't dechlorinate the water so I added it then. Do you think this is a major problem.

I didn't test the water the first week. I started testing on day 7. My ammonia was up to 6.0 or 7.0 between days 8-10 and started dropping. It has now been holding at about 2.0 or 3.0 for 3-4 days.

My NitrItes have been somewhere around 5.0.

Finally my NitrAtes have risen from 5.0 on day 15 to 40.0 today on day 18.

Does this sound right to anyone??? Am I close to reaching the end?????

Should the ammonia be holding like this? I'm being patient but am starting to get a little concerned.
Anyone have any info??? Everyone says how important fishless cycling is and I agree however, I can't get even one response to help me make sure I am doing it correctly :unsure: ? Help :blink: What if I'm doing it wrong? :crazy: :crazy:
I'm sorry, missy. I have been gone all day. It sounds like it's going perfect for you. Depending on the amount of ammonia you used and cut back to after the ammonia leveled to 0ppm, this is dependant upon how much longer it will take. Either way, you are right on track as the the nitrites usually peak at 5ppm and then start to fall. When it falls to 0ppm you're cycled. Then you can do a wc and add the fish. :)
Thanks SMB for rsponding to me :D . I really appreciate it.
I started with 1teaspoon and have now cut back to 1/2teas daily. Should I still have ammonia levels of 2 though?

Also, I have asked this before but keep getting different answers :crazy: . When the tank is fully cycled, should I add all of the fish together or should I still just add a few at a time. I think I need to add them all, not overstocking the tank of course, since the bacteria requires the fish waste or ammonia to flourish. Is this correct?

Thanks again
I can't answer most of your questions, but I do know you need to add your fish slowly. If you throw in a bunch of fish it overloads the bacteria that has built up, but I have never used ammonia to cycle a tank.
If you get ammonia readings, then you're adding too much ammonia. Don't add anymore ammonia until the ammonia level drops to 0ppm then very carefully add ammonia daily but not enough to raise your ammonia levels above 0ppm.

When the tank is fully cycled, should I add all of the fish together or should I still just add a few at a time. I think I need to add them all, not overstocking the tank of course, since the bacteria requires the fish waste or ammonia to flourish. Is this correct?

My opinion is certainly no better than anyone elses but that is what I believe. Doing the fishless cycling, you already have a full compliment of bacteria in there. If you add fish slowly then the ammonia source will run out and bacteria will die off then when you add more fish it could mini-cycle. I personally always add the full load of fish the very first day and have never had any ammonia or nitrite reading doing it this way. So for me, this is the way to go and what I recommend.

Edit: I should say tho, that I only add a couple fish per tank anyways and maybe with community fish that it would be better to add slowly over a couple of weeks. Like I wouldn't add 15 Mbunas all at once no matter how I cycled the tank. Did that confuse you even more? :D
Thanks SMB. I won't add any more ammonia until it reaches zero. Then I';ll try 1/4teas I guess and see how it goes.

I think you are right about adding all the fish at once. I don't think it makes sense otherwise since the tank would keep cycling every time I added fish thereafter. I'm really nervous about this but I am going to add them all at once. I've lined up a pretty full tank, not overstocked, but nonetheless they will grow to fill the tank.

Wish me luck.....I'll probably be posting again on this before all is done.
I am glad you disregarded my advice. I didn't think too much about the fact you were adding ammonia, therefore it would be dependant on a certain amount of it in there.
One more example of a lack of thought in my posts, I really do not know anything about truely fishless cycling. I was thinking of using water from another tank and gravel from another tank, and then adding the fish slowly. I guess that is not true fishless cycling. My bad :D

I do try and comment on what I know and tell people when I am saying something that I am guessing about, but I don't remember to do it all the time.

Good luck with your tank though
OK guys, now I'm more confused than ever. I'd tell you what fish I intend to add but I think SMB will freak out on me :unsure: , I've had heated discussions with you SMB on one particular fish ;) I 'm going to have to think about the best plan for adding the fish. Maybe half and then when settled a few every few weeks thereafter till I'm complete. Thanks
I've had heated discussions with you SMB on one particular fish

That's in a thread asking our opinions on it and even then I by no means would think bad of you as a person for something silly like that. :) I apologize if you thought so.

I, or anyone else, should never say so in a help thread like this. :)
Thanks SMB thats very nice of you :*) . Thanks also for all of the helpful advice. This is such a wonderful forum, I can't say enough about all of the people on here.
Missy - what brand of ammonia are you using? is it Ammonia Hydroxide or Ammonia Chloride? I started a fishless cycle yesturday in a 55g tank, and mistakenly used ammonia with surfactants in it...on top of that it was ammonia hydroxide...not chloride. :X I had to do a 100% water change, washed my gravel, rocks (lots of them as this will be a Mbuna tank) and filter. :crazy: Now I'm really turned off to the idea of putting chems in my water. I refuse to go thru the total overhaul again! Unless..... I find some chemical lab ammonia chloride. SO what kind are you using... if it's the "right" kind, where did you get it...and can I have some please? :(
Hey Exiled, too bad about the amonia... Don`t let it get you down. Look for CLEAR amonia, then to be extra sure, phone the manufacturer and get the low down. They should be happy to help out, ask them to check the msd sheets on the ingredients, should be 25%amonia diluted in the plant to 4% with D.I. water.
Better luck next time mate...
Ammonium Hydroxide is ideal for it, if something went wrong it'll be because of the surfactants.

When you fishless cycle you should be able to add your full compliment of fish in one go, if you only add them slowly after that your bacteria will die off to the amount sufficient to maintain the number of fish in the tank. When you then add more fish the bacteria will have to mulitply hence a mini-cycle, so you end up cycling with fish after all.

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