Help With Fish Food For My 20L Tank


New Member
Sep 10, 2010
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I have just purchased some small black lil frog a male fish that like have a spike on the front of it but it aint a swordfish
Do frogs have special food or will the flakes be fine
You have bought a living creature and you have no idea how to look after it or feed it? :crazy: Why didnt you read up on it before you bought it, or ask in the fish shop? As far as im aware frogs wont eat flake they need food like worms. You dont know what fish you have either so how can anyone advise you how to feed it? Is your tank even cycled?

Go ask someone in the Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles Forum on here and post a pic of your fish so we can identify it so you will know what foods to feed. :rolleyes:
You have bought a living creature and you have no idea how to look after it or feed it? :crazy: Why didnt you read up on it before you bought it, or ask in the fish shop? As far as im aware frogs wont eat flake they need food like worms. You dont know what fish you have either so how can anyone advise you how to feed it? Is your tank even cycled?

Go ask someone in the Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles Forum on here and post a pic of your fish so we can identify it so you will know what foods to feed. :rolleyes:
Yet another snotty reply on here, no wonder activity is down
Not snotty at all just flabberghasted! Hows this reply then 'oh good - you have bought 2 living creatures you have no idea what they are or how to look after them and you have no food to feed them as you dont know what they eat - well done!'

My reply wasnt nasty and ive given good advise - wheres yours for him/her? None I see - just criticism for me - well done you!Activity is down? take a look at the stats - in the last 15 mins 340 odd users!
Ive never kept a frog and dont know what fish they have. Your answer does come across as snotty though. But saying that so did mine so i appologise for that. I just find it fustrating when people ask for help and the answers they get dont help them just criticise them. But sorry again for my rude reply. Was in a mood but i have a coke now so all happy again :)
I used to have African Dwarf Frogs along with Bristlle Nose Plec's etc and all I have ever done is drop a cube of frozen blood worms in, some frozen peas, catfish pellets. But Blood worms is the first thing I would start to feed it.

Shouldent blame the person who got them as who sold them should have given advice I think.

Post a quick photo and sure we can name him.
Right have worked out i have a swordtail male fish thats orange
An will post a picture later looks like a african dwarf or african clawed frog an says they need to come up for air is this correct if so will drain some water out
Ok sorry should have put more info didnt reli exspect rude aggressive answer maybe time to leave this forum
Not snotty at all just flabberghasted! Hows this reply then 'oh good - you have bought 2 living creatures you have no idea what they are or how to look after them and you have no food to feed them as you dont know what they eat - well done!'

My reply wasnt nasty and ive given good advise - wheres yours for him/her? None I see - just criticism for me - well done you!Activity is down? take a look at the stats - in the last 15 mins 340 odd users!

Inclined to agree with you really. Personally I wouldn't buy anything without looking into it first...
Ive never kept a frog and dont know what fish they have. Your answer does come across as snotty though. But saying that so did mine so i appologise for that. I just find it fustrating when people ask for help and the answers they get dont help them just criticise them. But sorry again for my rude reply. Was in a mood but i have a coke now so all happy again :)

No problem. It wasnt meant to be a snotty reply - thats the problem with a computer sometimes things come across in a different way that you intend them. :lol:

I have been on this forum for a long time and I try to help as many people as I can, but there really is no excuse for buying a living creature without having a clue on either what it is or how to look after it and have no food for it. Why not ask the fish shop? If its a baby african clawed frog it will be ok for a short while but when it grows to adult size it will eat any fish it can catch so the swordtail wont last long!

RDSTARS: Fish shops assume you know what you are doing when you buy - you really need to ask for advise if you dont.

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