Help With First Cichlid Tank


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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hello there all right need some help on setting up a cichlid tank

i have a 60gallon bow fronted tank

with a rena xp3 external filter

fine gravel substraight

have live plants in there to

have one german blue ram

and 2X clown loaches they will be geting moved to another tank that i have tho. unless its safe to keep them in with cichlids what do you think?

basically i would love some body to tell me what i need to set up a cichlid aqaurium. what deco i need to put in, is there any chance i could keep the plants in there with cichlids?

and could some body tell me some cichlids i could keep in the tank as well please obviously have to be all compatible with each other dont want a list of all diffrent types that wont get alone would be helpfull if some body could give me a list or a couple of list of cichlids that would get along with each other :)

so dont be shy give me some answer please :)

many thanks joey :)
Most cichlids tear apart plants, right now I have a tank with 3 convicts, 3texas cichlids, a red terror, 4 jewel fish, and a pike(not sure exactly on the kind).
All in all it is a very happy aquarium, the jewels rule as of now( pike is getting up in size), and maybe 3 fish show signs of nipping. I know thats really specific but ime these fish get along good, and they are all beautiful fish imo.
hey there thanks repeat had a look at them they look pretty cool fish should be looking into that more thanks alot
No problem,if you get jewels try to get the other cichlids bigger than them, they tend to be nasty fish that hold there own in any tough enviroment. We had 2 with a large duboise and a very large texas and the jewel still pushed them around.
hi, what sort of cichlids are you looking at?
your tank could house a few smaller ones or depending on size could be good for a solo cichlid tank,,,

Also are you wanting to keep the German blue Ram in this setup?
Rams being a peaceful dwarf cichlid would limit you to relatively docile species such as apistos, Angels, Keyholes, etc.

Repeat, that is a potentially very aggressive tank you have there, i'm assuming they are mainly juvis? would love to see some pics
the blue ram will be going into my other tank. im starting a whole brand new tank just for cichlids. southafrican mabuba lake malawi that kinda thing i wanna go with
best bet then would be head over and start a thread in the african section :good:
if you fancy something different then what about looking for pollieni<madagascan cichlid there bea----utiful but could only have one or a pair,,,,
if you go into african section and start a thread there :good:

check this thread for polleni :drool:
Paratilapia Polleni large spot
the blue ram will be going into my other tank. im starting a whole brand new tank just for cichlids. southafrican mabuba lake malawi that kinda thing i wanna go with

Oooh, going over to the dark side eh? :huh:

Lol, in that case the African Cichlid section is going to be your best place for advice.
although live plants and african cichlids generally don't mix, with mbuna preferring a tank with sand and lots or rockwork and caves
lol now now guys lol its hard to pic some many fish only if i could have them all in my tank haha

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