New Member
First posted in the Tropical Fish emergencies, didn't notice this sub-forum was just in a hurry to find out what was wrong. Didn't get a reply so will try here.
Original post about first snail (now dead)
When I went back to the store with the dead snail yesterday they gave me another snail. 24 hours later and the new snail was floating around the tank like the first one did, 36 hours later and he's dead (I think he is anyway, motionless for 4+ hours, no resistance when I push gently on the shell door (which is loose anyway) No bad smell yet but as I said if he's dead it happened very recently.)
Tank water is still fine (same test results as above) The shark in the tank hadn't taken any notice of the snail, for the short time the snail was active he was eating. He spent an hour or 2 clamped onto an algae flake yesterday evening, ate about a third of it. Just tried taking him out of the tank for a bit but no change, still motionless and shell door is still loose/no resistance.
I'll go back to the store tomorrow if he definitely is dead but I won't get another snail, it's obvious something isn't right. Anyone have any idea what?
Original post about first snail (now dead)
Tank size: Approx 20 UK gal/90 ltrs - Been set up for about 2 years
pH: 7.5
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10
kH: -
gH: -
tank temp: 25C
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I got an Apple snail on Monday and until yesterday morning he was fine. He was not active much during the day but at night/when it was dark he was going all over the tank. He had plenty to eat and was acting normal. On Saturday I woke up to find him floating at the top of the tank, being pushed around by the filter, almost completely inside his shell. I feared the worst straight away so took him out of the tank and put him into a small tub of water. When I looked at him a bit later I noticed he had come out of his shell a little bit. I put him back in my main tank but inside this hole filled container I have so he's seperated from everything and easy to keep an eye on. Since then he's been exactly the same for several hours at a time (enough time for me to think he actually is dead this time) but then he'll either come out of or go back into his shell a bit more. When he his out of his shell a bit he is all kind of curled up. When I woke up this morning he was still almost completely inside his shell but I've just checked again and he's out of it a tiny a little bit. However through all this time he's never been "stuck" to the side of the container, just either floating on the surface or sitting on the bottom. That's another thing, he goes from floating to being at the bottom of the container quite a bit.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 50% once a week. I did a water change just before I put the snail in the tank, but nothing since then.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Nothing
Tank inhabitants: The apple snail and 1 red tailed black shark, approx 2-3 inches long. Haven't seen him even take any notice of the snail, let alone bother it in any way.
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The snail is the only recent addition
Exposure to chemicals: Nothing - Edit: I do use Interpet Bioactive Tapsafe when I do water changes though.
Digital photo (include if possible): Can get one if it would help but don't have one right now.
I'm just hoping either someone can help or someone can point in the direction of someone who can help.
When I went back to the store with the dead snail yesterday they gave me another snail. 24 hours later and the new snail was floating around the tank like the first one did, 36 hours later and he's dead (I think he is anyway, motionless for 4+ hours, no resistance when I push gently on the shell door (which is loose anyway) No bad smell yet but as I said if he's dead it happened very recently.)
Tank water is still fine (same test results as above) The shark in the tank hadn't taken any notice of the snail, for the short time the snail was active he was eating. He spent an hour or 2 clamped onto an algae flake yesterday evening, ate about a third of it. Just tried taking him out of the tank for a bit but no change, still motionless and shell door is still loose/no resistance.
I'll go back to the store tomorrow if he definitely is dead but I won't get another snail, it's obvious something isn't right. Anyone have any idea what?