Help With Denison Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2007
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Over the last two days all three of my Denison barbs have sadly passed away :huh: They looked absolutely fine on Friday!

Basic story:
Saturday morning i found one lying upside down on the bottom of the tank so i swiftly removed him. Again the other two seemed ok at this point

Sunday saw the other two follow the first. One sat up near the surface of the tank and the other sat on the bottom hiding his face behind a piece of driftwood. On the barb near the surface i spotted what looked like mouth rot. a sort of foamy substance around his mouth which seemed to be causing him some discomfert. I treated the water with Anti fungas/Mouth Rot treatment last night and the other two have died this morning!

Im now more concerned for the remaining fish in the tank. Is there anything i can do to minimise the risk of infection spreading or could the damage already be done? As three of my Black Ruby Barbs are starting to act a bit strange now too. loosing colour and generally not swiming about like they usully do

Any help appreciated :good:
as far as im aware Red lined torpedo's are highly Susceptible to mouth fungas. if there young they stand little chance if there older they may survive. My bro's have had it a few times now and only one has died from it and his are nearly fully grown.

I lost a half grown barb that im unsure if it was mouth rot or not he had a chunk missing but not foaming. (Possible just attacked as they all go for the algae tablets)

Im not sure what causes the mouth fungus......
Tank is 120L Juwel Rio

I tested the water yesterday before and after a partial water change (about 20%)

Ammonia - Between 40-80
Nitrite - Nil
Nitrate - Almost of the chart! About 80-160

Ammonia - Between 20 - 40
Nitrite - Nil
Nitrate - Still high but down to 40-60

Now one of my coolie loaches is breathing really fast and two of my Black Ruby barbs look like they have a sort of cotton wool film on their eyes :crazy: And the outer edges of some of the fish's fins have a white border and slightly ripped
Those ammonia levels are HIGH. they should be none.... that to me would be the start of your issues. another water change is a must to drop that lower. you want to be well below 5ppm on amonia for it to be close to safe as far as im aware
Yeah im gonna do another water change tonight and test the water again.

To be fair i recon there are a couple too many fish in the tank but i plan to transfer some to another tank which has my Rainbow cichlids but they have free swimming fry and im waiting on a tank divider to keep them to a section of the 4ft tank
I agree your tanks looks abit overstocked to me.
Carry on with the water changes to get that ammonia reading down to 0.
Also increase aeration in bad water quality.
Good luck.
Right well i've lost another two fish last night. My coolie loach and a red eye tetra :crazy:

Done another water change and levels are still high. My male bolivian ram is looking pretty bad now too. He was upside down this morning!!

Im pretty sure its this Flexibactar disease as they are getting cloudy eyes and the fins are not displayed like normal.

Im worried about my Geophagus Balzani as he is now starting to show signs of this too. Some strange markings showing on his face looks like his scales have started peeling
Peeling skin can also be flexibactor columnaris.
Have you added any meds yet.
Myxazin by waterlife and pimafix.
Yeah im thinking it could be Flexibacter too.

Lost my male Bolivian Ran last night :angry: Came home from work and he was upside down. Still had colour though and didnt look like he had any cotton wool type stuff on him either. My Black Rubys are looking a bit iffy last night too. Going down to my LFS after work tonight to try and get to the bottom of this mystery illness although all things are pointing to Flexibacter by the looks of it :crazy:
Fish will die in bad water quality, what your present water stats.
Have you medicated the tank for columnaris.

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