Help With Cory Fry Foods.


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Hi all

All c.trilineatus are doing fine, 8 youngsters,3 weeks old plus 2 young fry less than a week old,now i have been feeding the older fry liquidfry then managed to get some first bites,this i soak in tank water before i feed i feed baby brine shrimp once a week,should i feed this bbs more?

I was wondering how long fry can be first bites before i change to 'solids'? if you get my drift :lol:
Can i start to add a few crushed tetra prima granules or keep to firstbites a bit longer?

For some reason my cory tank seems to be showing a little nitrite? i have been doing 50% wc daily,now upped it 2 wc's,the sponge filter is not very good,doesn't seem to want to keep up with the bio load.

Thanks :)
Hi Harlequins :)

You can get the fry started on other food as soon as they will eat them. I like to add a piece of Hikari Sinking Wafer at first. It's easy to monitor because it softens when it gets wet but stays in one piece. After a few hours you can net the remainder out with no trouble. At first they might not recognize that it's food but they'll catch on soon. Stop the LiquiFry as soon as you can because it makes a mess and is really only helpful when the fry are tiny. BBS are good for the protein which growing fry need. As long as you clean out the uneaten food regularly, give them as much as they like. First Bites are a good basic food which can be continued until you are sure the fry are eating a complete diet of other foods.

You shouldn't have a nitrite problem in a fry tank since you are doing so many water changes. It might be helpful to test your tap water too. If it's from the LiquiFry, the situation should resolve itself when you stop feeding it.

I feed my pygmies daphnia. So that might be a good frozen food to graduate to when they reach 3/4" or so.

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