Help with Cory death


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
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Hi all,

I had three Albino Cory Doras in my tank, they were added a week after the tank was setup due to bad advice. Thanks to this site I got the tank cycled with them and some Neon Tetras. The tank is about 5 weeks old now.

I recently added 2 Mollies, one of which died after two days, I tested the water and every was fine so I guessed it was bad stock. So I replaced the dead Molly with another pair and they seem to be doing fine, they were added to the tank yesterday.

This morning I find one of the Albino Corys sitting on the bottom at the front of the tank looking out. He stayed there for a very long while, which is wierd for my Corys as they seem hyper active most of the time. Anyway I kept watching and he did swim around some, then come to settle on the bottom again. Looking closer I saw the front of his face was a whiter shade than normal, and his feelers (sorry not sure what these are actually called lol) seemed kinda floppy. They are normally stuck out from their face but his were sometimes flat beside his face.

As he was swimming some I decided to leave him and see what happened. Returning a few hours later I find him dead upside down on the bottom. Does anyone have any ideas what could have happened?

The other Corys seem normal, and I wondered if he knocked himself somehow. They do swim around kinda quick and hit things in the tank sometimes. Or could it be something more sinister linked to the death of the Molly?

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