Help With Co2, Ph And Red Cherry Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
Eastliegh, Hampshire, UK
Hi all

I have brought 7 red cherry shrimp and 10 Japonica Shrimp. I have had 4 red cherry shrimp die and 1 amano shrimp die.
the other japonica shrimp are quite lively but the red cherry shrimp are very docile and not moving much if at all.

Saying that most of my fish tend to congregate in the left side of my tank and i cant work out why. but i am thinking there is less co2 over there? or it could be because its next to the wall!

My ph is about 6.5. and KH is 4dkh

I have a high tech set up on a solenoid and turn this off at night.

I don't understand the relationship between co2 and ph swings but i know shrimp are very sensitive to this.

the drop checker is on green so is within the levels.

i looked at a a PH and KH chart and if im right then i have between 30 and 48 ppm of Co2 . which is to high!

Would i benefit from adding an airstone? Im not worried about losing some co2 as i can get this very cheap.

the drop checker is on green so is within the levels.

So if i need to lower co2 levels. would either of these work

1 - lower bubbles per second
2 - add an airstone to diffuse some of the co2 out of the tank. or just run it at night or a few hours.
I have my co2 on 2 hours before lights and off 2 hours before lights out.
3 - have the co2 come on at lights on rather than 2 hours before?

Thanks all.
have you added any new plants lately??

these shrimp are less sensitive to Ph flucs that the likes of CRS. I keep both (as do many other planted tank CO2 users do) and have never lost any to C02 flucs.
hi ya

i have not added any new plants, the plants i have are not doing well so i have upped my dosage of aqua care nutrition. i have made up a macro and micro nutrition with dry ferts that i received today and will start dosing tomorrow. i will have about 200 plants coming next week so will re plant when they arrive. my tank size is 200 litres by the way.

because my plants are not doing so well im guessing the plants may not be putting enough oxygen into the water??

all my other paremeters are well within levels.


have you added any new plants lately??

these shrimp are less sensitive to Ph flucs that the likes of CRS. I keep both (as do many other planted tank CO2 users do) and have never lost any to C02 flucs.

hi ya
i have not added any new plants, the plants i have are not doing well so i have upped my dosage of aqua care nutrition. i have made up a macro and micro nutrition with dry ferts that i received today and will start dosing tomorrow. i will have about 200 plants coming next week so will re plant when they arrive. my tank size is 200 litres by the way.
because my plants are not doing so well im guessing the plants may not be putting enough oxygen into the water??
all my other paremeters are well within levels.

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