Help With Cichlids


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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hello there all right need some help on setting up a cichlid tank

i have a 60gallon bow fronted tank

with a rena xp3 external filter

fine gravel substraight

have live plants in there to

have one german blue ram

and 2X clown loaches they will be geting moved to another tank that i have tho. unless its safe to keep them in with cichlids what do you think?

basically i would love some body to tell me what i need to set up a cichlid aqaurium. what deco i need to put in, is there any chance i could keep the plants in there with cichlids?

and could some body tell me some cichlids i could keep in the tank as well please obviously have to be all compatible with each other dont want a list of all diffrent types that wont get alone would be helpfull if some body could give me a list or a couple of list of cichlids that would get along with each other

so dont be shy give me some answer please

many thanks joey
well the most popular ones are peacocks, or mbuna from Lake Malawi and there are also some popular fish from Lake Tanganyika. Do some google searches to read about the different kinds and then let us know what type you prefer. Also, when you go to your lfs write down the scientific names of fish you like from that group that are readily availible to you and we'll help from there :good:

You could also read through some past stocking questions to get an idea on types/kinda also.
Ok, IMO this is what you need: (not including the stuff you have already got)

Tank and filter are good :good: So is gravel.

IMO I prefer the natural theme of rocks made into cliffs, as cichlids have territorys and love caves!
alloow plenty of hiding spaces for each fish.

It is possible to keep your clowns in there is their over 4" and if they get bullied just ship them over to your other tank :good: The ram will have to go as well.

Cichilds will strip and up-root your live plants so I tend not to have them.
This is my tank and as you can see I don't have live plants (after trying) But its up to u.

Sorry for the rubbish pics phone camera :blush:

Hope this helps.


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