Scarlet badis x2male x6female
Pygmy cory x6
Peppered catfish x4
Honey gourami x2m x6f
Zebra danio xnot sure but not many maybe 6
Harlequin rasbora x as many as possible
Red tailed rasbora x as many as possible
I want the rasboras to be in equal schools. How many of each?
Cherry shrimp x2
And maybe in the future ADF x2
Pygmy cory x6
Peppered catfish x4
Honey gourami x2m x6f
Zebra danio xnot sure but not many maybe 6
Harlequin rasbora x as many as possible
Red tailed rasbora x as many as possible
I want the rasboras to be in equal schools. How many of each?
Cherry shrimp x2
And maybe in the future ADF x2