Help with Buying Lobsters, Crabs and Tanks etc.

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Lobster Enthusiast

New Member
Aug 15, 2005
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Hey, I really want to buy a lobster and a crab and have them as pets.

I am from the UK and I was wondering do you know the best pet store to buy lobsters/crabs from in the UK?

Also I have some pretty basic questions to ask because I am new to this stuff :dunno:

[btw, I'm referring to red lobster and any crab other than a hermit]

Is it possible to house a lobster and crab together in the same tank?
How big of a tank would I need for them? (If 2, how big for each?)
What do you suggest to buy to live alongside (in harmony) with a lobster/crab?
Are they easy to keep as a pet? Also, what about diseases? Are they clean?
How much, would you estimate, it'd cost to buy a lobster, crab, tank(s), material for tank(s) and other materials?
I have a few concerns over price/my ability to be able to treat them well/keep them alive so any help is VERY greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help.

I am especially keen on purchasing a lobster - any info on this from your vast and superior knowledge is appreciated big time.

Thanks :)
Never kept them, but would LOVE to have a malawi crab someday.

I think what you're looking for is the blue crayfish. Here's a pretty good factsheet on them:

I don't know where to get them in the UK, but I found a bunch of US sites that ship them. You should be able to track them down.

Unfortunately, they're not compatible with much. Either they eat tankmates or tankmates eat them. Otherwise people would keep them more often I think, 'cause the are pretty dang cool.

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