Help With Breeding!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Northeast Ohio
I've been researching breeding bettas for almost a year now and finally decided to breed my double ray CT bettas. I conditioned for two weeks on bbs, high protein flakes, bloodworms, and frozen krill. They have spent the last two days together but still no wrapping. Herein lies the problem:

Okay so for the past two nights I've been separating the female betta while I sleep since I can't monitor them. Is that okay or should I just let them be together? They can still see eachother and the only act of violence I've seen from them is her siding up to him and then him flaring and chasing her away. He has a bubblenest but he's not tending it and the female has vertical bars but seems to be becoming impatient.


Also can someone tell me how to use this brine shrimp hatchery?


Thanks in advance!
Thanks! The hatcher came with a box of misc. fish stuff I bought for $3 at a yard sale yesterday. So no, no instructions came with any of the stuff. There were also cool filters from the 70's in there and a couple copies of Tropical Fish Hobbyist from 1969 and 1970. Pretty good deal for $3!
If there's not too much aggression I would leave them overnight. We did with ours and by the morning they were at it. If still nothing after a couple of days then pull them out. Good luck.....hope they get it together :good:
If there's not too much aggression I would leave them overnight. We did with ours and by the morning they were at it. If still nothing after a couple of days then pull them out. Good luck.....hope they get it together :good:

They seem to be getting it together now. Less flaring, less chasing, and more dancing side by side. I'm excited because this is my first betta spawning :D
Loads of luck then :good: It's the most amazing thing to watch.....and the most nerve wracking too :lol: :lol: but I'm sure you'll be fine!!!!!
Okay so she's been in the tank with him since yesterday morning. He stopped tending the bubblenest when I let her out yesterday and hasn't built a new one. Is he not ready? Should I separate her again until he rebuilds a nest? What signs should I look for to tell me that he is ready?
Is he being very aggressive towards her....any ripped fins on her or anything. If not then give them another 24 hrs and if nothing happens tomorrow take her out. Then recondition them and try again in a week or two.
I'd leave them a little longer then. Do you have a cup or piece of polystyrene for him to build his nest under?
lol Mine did that too.....almost like he got bored waiting. Do you have any other males that build nests. I've heard that you can spoon some into the spawning tank and it gives the male a bit of a kick start. Or put her back in the chimney and put another male in and if and when he builds a nest put the original one back in and take the sub out.
lol Mine did that too.....almost like he got bored waiting. Do you have any other males that build nests. I've heard that you can spoon some into the spawning tank and it gives the male a bit of a kick start. Or put her back in the chimney and put another male in and if and when he builds a nest put the original one back in and take the sub out.

Hmm...yeah I got a great nest builder. Maybe I should switch the males and put the female in the chimney...or just scoop out some of his nest and put it in the breeding tank. I'll give it go :)
How old are the fish? They could be too old to spawn if you've had them for the entire year while you were researching.

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