Help with breeding my bettas please


New Member
Oct 19, 2004
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I posted this in the breeding forum but not much of a reply and was told to try here so here goes ! !

Have been given a tank and some bettas. I have 1 male and 2 females. I was thinking i would like to attempt to breed them. How would i go about doing this ? they are currently in together but going into their own seperate tanks at the weekend. (females in one, male in the other.)

Step by step would be great.

Thanks :D
i was going to u should part them, fatten the females with bw bs etc and the male
u also need a breeding tank, a grow out tank and lots of jars for males.
u will need food for the fry like microworms, bbs, brine shrimp as they get biggar.
this is just normal stuff u should know for gettin ready for breeding, as for breeding them there is a topic up top on how to breed them

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