help with betta splendid and pop eye

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Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2004
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hi everyone ( sorry in advance for any spelling im dyslexic :D )

well as my topic title sagests i have a problem with my male betta splendid. i think he has pop eye
ok some one asked for me to give these details too here ya go

. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)PH-6.0 NITRITE-0.3-0.8,KH-<10mg/l,PHOSPHATE-5..water got tested about 12 am yesterday,was unable to check for ammonia.i am now using PH stadiliser/KH booster.
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.ok is one eye looks inlarged and is clowded over other eye has white dot o nit ,he is only eating a little bit but other than that he seems fine
3. How often you do water changes and how much. twice a week aboit 1/4 the tank
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.PH stabilizer/KHbooster,malkon malachite green solution ( had an out brake of fin rot lost all my tetras and kribs)
5. What tank mates are in the the moment one redspot pleco and an apple snail
6. Tank size. 60 cm x 30cm x30cm
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish? nope

ok so now u know all the details im just wondering what i should do ,i dont know if the malkon will help with pop eye iv been using it for 4 days now and fish has not improved :(

any idears anyone?

why is your nitrite so high? a water change would be a good start clean water conditions are less stressful to the fish and should make it easier to fight the disease.

what's malkon? is it a med designed specifically for popeye?
The malachite green will not help with pop-eye. I use that as a harsh cure for ich. And it killed my neons also. :/

You should remove the betta, the other fish don't need to be medicated.
Maracyn is what is usually recommended.

How long were you have you been treating with malachite green?

A quick story:

I recently was treating a bad ich outbreak with malachite green. I had been treating the tank (10g) for 2 weeks. After the ich was gone (and most of the fish in the tank :/ ), I noticed my Apisto. Borelli had popeye. I did a 60-65% water change and put the carbon back in my filter. Within 1 day, I noticed the popeye was almost gone. After 2 days it was completely gone. Today he is doing great.

My point is, I think the popeye was caused by the stress of swimming in the malachite green for 2 weeks.

Maybe a big water change and adding the carbon to you filter will do the trick, before you add more chemicals to your tank.

Good luck and keep us posted. :)
oh thanks for that.. i noticed that my betta only got pop eye after i started using malkon and since all my other fishys but my pleco are gone now i will stop using it and hopefully just hopefully its because of this hes got pop eye
.in about 1 min i will go put my carbon back in my filter ( did u know lps lady did not tell me to take it out.. i had to find out from my bf if i should or should not have it in,i probaly lost my two kribs cause it was still in :angry: she even asked what kind of media i had in the thing)

i did a huge water change last my nitrite should have gone down.lady said malkon was making it higher..

cant take fighter out of tank since i dont have one he can go live in and i dont like the idear of him living in a jar..with no heater or filter.and since there is only pleco and a snail in with him it should be ok.pleco has not been fazed with all his little friends dying and the snail just tryed to eat them.

i will see if i can find some of that Maracyn stuf but my pet shop down the road is useless so i probaly have to go to the huge one 20 mins away (gonan have to call dads taxi agen..hes so good to me :D )

clutterydrawer u asked what malkon is for its for the treatment of fin rot and velvet fungus and ich and white spot..dont know if it worked for the tetras since the little guys i tryed to save where to far gone to save. helped my fighter but he seems better now its only the pop eye thats worying me now

does pop eye spread..i serched on the net for info but only came up with what it looks like and stuf..... after its gone (please may it go) how long should i leave the tank untill i put more fish in to the tank? its kinda depressing having only the fighter and pleco and dont forget the snail in a 2 foot tank.

im so clueless...thanks for all the info i will do what u said and hopefully it all works out and i hope they do stock that Maracyn stuf.i just want my fish to get better.hes my fav
thanks agen i will keep u posted on all that happing

It is not contagious, but, the popeye IME, comes from poor water conditions, which in both are cases, came from the chems in the tank.

I wouldn't add any more fish till your nitrites go down to 0.

What are your nitrates? :dunno:

How long has your tank been running? :dunno:
my tank has been running for just over a month..
geting my water tested on wednesday at petshop down the road cant go sooner.
got water tested on monday (its now wednesday)nitrite tested 0.3.....

how do i get it down..water changes?
i dont particaly injoy telling people i am..but i rather not get rude messages about how i cant spell some very simple words..its not my falt and when u get harassed for hurts,its not like i try to be stupid i just cant fix it
fufanu360 said:
HAHAH do u enjoy advertising that ur dyslexic???
Do you enjoy being an ass####? :dunno:

Candy, this is a fish forum, not a spelling bee. You don't need to apologize for anything. ;)

Anyway, yes, I would keep doing water changes. I'm beginning to wonder if your tank was cycled.

When you get your water tested, be sure to get the results for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Those are the really important ones. :)
thanks.... my bf set up my tank for me when i was away..hes a typical fish geek and seem so know so much about fish hes had them since he was little i just asked him and yes my tank was cycled... im geting my water checked agen soon so i will make sure i get it tested for everything
Have you tried Melafix? It cleared up my clown loach's swollen and cloudy eye in a week.
hi everyone ...

well today i finaly got to the big not so local pet shop to pick up something for my bettas pop eye..i would of done it sooner but olds were more worried about me getting better then the fish :(
..i asked the guy there if they had the producs that people had recomended me but since im in silly newzealand they did not and i was not waiting 2 week and a 30 min drive for it to come in.
but the man was able to show me a product that he has used that cleared up pop eye in a few days ..its called furan-2..sounds like good stuf
.im also doing water changes every 2nd day and im gettign my water tested tomrrow and then agen on wednesday just to make sure everything is good.

had a look at the fish while i was realy missing not having my little school of tetras and my playfull kribs...mum wants a seccond snail :).. might have to get her a little tank with some tetras and a snail.. lol ..she keeps saying she wants nuthing to do with my bloodys fish but if only u could see her face light up when she spots and intresting (normal weird)

anyway...... i will let u all know how my beautiful betta is going in the next few days ( i so hope he gets better he was a prezzy from my bf)
Good luck candy! :thumbs:

Keep us posted on your betta. :nod:

Just buy your Mom a tank and lose the receipt. That way there's no returning it. :shifty:
well i went shoping today (with mums money) and i spoted the cutest little trying ot remeber size off the top of my head it was a cube i think it was about 3oX 30X30 cm..its cute plus it comes with all the gizmos... might wait till mum forgets about it then i will go buy it for her..she keeps going on about gettin a seccond apple i will get her one of them plus a little school of neon tetras..she like neon tetras..:)

just dosed my betta hes acting like there i nuthing wrong with him but his eye is still huge..the other one is not as bad..but i also noticed hes lost a bit of couler hes not as brite as befor.....i have to treet him 3 more times then i have to stop treating him with this stuf..if hes not better i dont know what im gonna do...i htink if hes not better hes gonan have to go to fishy hevan......dont want to do that but what could i do realy..iv spent twice what he cost on meds for him.. :( .... im just getting depressed gonna go rise my horse hopefuly there in nuthing wrong with and bad luck

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