Help with beta sharks

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Jan 19, 2005
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Hermiston, OR
I have a 100 gal tank, set it up Dec 25th. it is currently stocked with 3 angel fish, 12 neon tetras, 2 red tail sharks, 1 rainbow shark, 2 pictus cats, 1 black shark,all these fish are quite young. I also have 3 dwarf guaromies, 1 paradice guaromie, a gold guaromie, and a blue guaromie. And the 3 young sick bala sharks. the ph is 7.6, nitrate is 5.0, and ammonia is .25.
one bala shark was purchased 2 weeks ago, we thought he needed company so we got the other two about 3 days ago. the origional is losing weight and just lingers in one area of the tank, his fins are kept near his body. the other two were fine until last night I noticed they were starting to act like the first. hanging with their nose toward the gravel, and letting the current toss them around. they attempt to eat, but not to agressave. the water temp is at 79 degrees. (which I just lowered the theometers after reading a little about guaromies) they are another story. Please let me know if you have any ideas what might be going on with my bala sharks. thanks
Welcome to the forums :)

You have an overstocked tank that is uncycled. Even though these fish are juveniles, two things to remember: Adult size when stocking your tank, and the fact that the tank is brand new with 30 fish in it.

Keep up on your water changes to try to get your fish through the cycle. I would really consider returning some of your fish though. There are a lot of problems in your stocking with the sharks and also the angels and neons. -_-
where can i read about cycling the tank?

We had several tanks set up and had nothing but success with them. I even had breeding Discus. But that was several years ago and in a different region of the world. perhaps that is why things see new again. its been too long since we had the setups. Anyway we are back again (the name) and it is kinda nice to be able to get on line to get help. I look foreward to getting to know some of you and your aquariums. Thanks Karen
At the beginning of "Beginners" there are a few pinned articles. One of them here tells about cycling a tank. I'm sure that we can get you through this stage so that you will again enjoy your fish.

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