Help with aquael powerhead 1500

Elephant nose 4

Fish Crazy
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 26, 2019
Reaction score
Hi ive just bought the aquael 1500 circulator for aeration in my tank.
Since I've bought it, it keeps stopping? It's driving me crazy, I've taken it apart but everything seems ok.
This is it working!
Any advice would be appreciated
Some circulator pumps use a timer so it could be that? Check the packaging or online manual to see if it does that.

Or could it be the impeller getting clogged? Perhaps a circular sponge on the intake may help reduce build up and blockage
Some circulator pumps use a timer so it could be that? Check the packaging or online manual to see if it does that.

Or could it be the impeller getting clogged? Perhaps a circular sponge on the intake may help reduce build up and blockage
Thank you
It doesn't have a timer but I can put a sponge over the intake
If it continues to stop randomly after you put a sponge over the intake strainer, you either have a problem with your power supply (unlikely), or the pump is faulty and needs to be replaced under warranty.

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