Help With Aiptasia Anemones


New Member
Sep 16, 2007
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hi i have got aiptasia anemones on my live rock i have been told there bad whats the best way to remove them from my tank.meny thanks
There is no one true way to totally remove them all from your tank. Some people have had limited success with peppermint shrimp. One of the main products is Joes Juice or pure lemon juice, you can also use kalkwasser.

I agree with craigbaby37. I had them too and after messing around with different things someone suggested peppermint shrimp (Lysmata sp). Well I put 4 peppermint shrimp in the tank, which was completely covered in Aiptasia, and within 1 month the tank was completely free of them. Now I move the shrimp from tank to tank cleaning up any that appear.
Well Ive always used Joes Juice to much success as I find it's reef safe and does not affect my corals of other livestock if it goes on them!
Yeah... Joes Juice or True Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni)
I have heard of Lemon Juice being used injected directly into the Anemone but I cant confirm how safe this would be within a reef environment.
I have heard of Lemon Juice being used injected directly into the Anemone but I cant confirm how safe this would be within a reef environment.

This is all I have ever done with no ill effects, use 1mm per day - not enough to cause any PH issues. Today I'm going to order some Joes Juice as I've hard varied success with lemon juice
hello all just letting you know i got some joes juice today it worked wonders. thank you all for your help
Rockerman, you double posting? Sure I saw this post somewhere ha ha
I've tried injecting the little sod's with lemon juice, lime juice, kalkwasser paste, and even sulfuric acid from a hypodermic needle and none of that worked. They would always come back within a week or two. I've only had longterm success with Joes Juice and/or Peppermint Shrimp
You have to be able to see and get to them for it to be any good. And it only takes one tiny nem round the back to be missed for you to have another explosion within a couple of months.

Biological control is one of the better ways, otherwise just learn to live with them. I have quite taken to a few of mine, every so often I will feed on or two some prawn.

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