Help With A Simple Setup


Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2007
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i have a large tropcal fish tank atm which ive had for a while and experimented keeping a range off different fish in at the minute i have just one oscar 7" and some large silver sharks! none of my fish have died ever so must be doing something right!

i have a medium sized tank which im considering making into a small marine setup to house a couple off clown fish:) what do i need to get in order for them to live happily! a shopping list please and other things that i need to consider!? lighting/filtration/heating/water con/ food etc etc and not the most expensive gear as im not loaded haha!

cheers if you can guide me! :good:
Well if you only plan on keepin clownfish and no corals etc the lighting should not be an issue, just standard T8 lights should be fine. As clownfish some from tropical temperatures you would need a heater. I suppose you would be able to to keep them in tap water but you would have to condition it using a decent tap water conditioner first.

I would get some Live Rock to help aid the biological filteration (approx 2lb per litre). Also a mechanical filter with a sponge would be a good idea but fill the filter compartment with LR rubble instead of ceramic media.

Also you would need a heater, sea salt of some kind, a hydrometer/refractometer (to measure SG) and a powerhead or 2 for water movement (the mechanical filter should come with one!)

Also do a lot of reading. Look at this forum alond with others to find other people's journals on their FOWLR systems and what equipment etc they required.

Good Luck with it all
2lb per liter? No room for water even :), i believe you mean 1-2lbs per GALLON :)
To get started maybe but take each thing individually, learn what it is, get whats suitable and add it to the collection. Once you've got it all, you'll know what its all for and be able to get under way :)

Some people would even say you can take the filter out of that list :)
how much is the smallest ones of each of the above going to cost me in total!? remember im onli wanting a small setup! and can i use a filter i already have! or does it need to be a special one? i have the tank sand, thermometers and filter js he other stuff i need if my filter would be ok
If you wanted to make equipment choices simple you can always concider an all in one nano reef :) just make sure you know what your getting yourself into :p

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