Help With A Problem Platy...


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
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Hey everyone

I'm having problems with one of my platy - she's very depressed and clampy - I've outlined her case extensively in the emergency forum in a thread HERE. Please check that out for background to the situation first. I figure all the livebearer experts here might have more of an idea of whats going on.

In addition to the info in that thread, watching the tank tonight, I noticed that it's not only the red male chasing her around - my yellow female is having a go at her too! What's going on??? I thought platies were peaceful with each other - and I never thought a female would attack another one! There's a picture on the other thread - she's DEFINITELY a platy right? Not a swordtail mixed up and that's why they don't like her? Would depression from being attacked/harassed by the other platies (who she just tries so hard to be friends with! :-() be causing all her problems? Like I said, she's still eating at least. But she's not grown near as much as my other two have since I've gotten them - I got all 3 together. I read females are supposed to be larger than males but she's definitely smaller than them both.

I've thought about maybe getting another platy female or two - would this help or aggravate the situation? I'm also thinking of my yellow female in this respect, since my male is only interested in the yellow one he chases her around (to mate though, not aggressively like to the other poor female).

Very keen to hear thoughts and advice about this situation :-(.
im not sure, but i used to have a trio of platies (2F,1M) and when i removed the male, one female was chasing and acting aggressive towards the other female. they both swim fine and eat well. they have plenty of room and lots of plants. i was thinking of buying a few more females too, but wasnt sure.
the picture sure looks like a platy to me, my platy thats being picked on is pregant, and the other female is too, but not as often or less fry. (never gets as big when pregant) so maybe that has something to do with it.
She had fry about 1-2 weeks ago - well, I assume she did, one day I could see them in her (she's quite transparent being mostly white), then the next all the little eyeballs were gone! Never saw the fry, I just assumed my other fish all had a grand feast.
She seems to be hiding a bit less and swimming around a bit more, maybe the salt baths helped some. Nonetheless, I'm going to get maybe two more platies if I can find some colours I like. Then if I can I'll shift my betta into a breeding trap in the main tank and use his 20L tank to medicate if she doesn't improve. The more I look at her the more "runty" she seems in comparison to the other two who are grown large and thriving. Their tails have a wide fan and hers doesn't fan out widely at all even when unclamped! It's quite small and almost rectangular rather than fan-like. Maybe she's just a weak specimen that somehow survived long enough to be sold. :-(
Well I added two more female platies - and its like a miracle occurred. No more clamping and hiding. She's made best friends with one of the new ones and is now swimming around with her happily :). My male hasn't gone for either of the new additions yet but I'll give him awhile. No more depressed platy! :good: Looks like all she needed was a friend! :lol:

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