Help. please please I have a 5g nano up for 4 months and one of my corals will not come out
Don't laugh, this is what I have
Tank: eclipse 5 hex
Light: coralife 4 50/50 35W compact
rock: 6lbs live rock
Sand: 3lbs live sand with crushed coral
fish: one very small coral beauty
clean-up crew: 4 turbo snails, 3 small hermit, 1 small fire shrimp
coral: 1 purple mushroom, 1 small group of waving hand , 1 candycane group green, 2 sm ricordia
all these soing well
and my problem, my fish seller states is a encrusting gorgonian. it is branched laterally white/pink skin, under it's branches form purple tubes, it's polyps are grass green about 1 cm long groups fully retract when disturbed but usually come right back out, leave little pimple. now will not come out and it has been 3 + days. I had a very aggresive pepermint shrimp for the three days that coinside with the polyp retraction ( exchanged for fire shrimp) that was crawling all over it. Help!
water paramiters I cycled tank full month before adding anything.
nitrite usually0
nitrate can't get to 0 because salt H20 from LFS is at 10
alkalinity and ph at best reading
H20 changes are about 1 gallon twice a week
I feed fish frozen brine shrimp
The help I would like is what is the polyp, why will it not come out ?dead and what othecorals should I try
also specific gravity is .023 : )
Don't laugh, this is what I have
Tank: eclipse 5 hex
Light: coralife 4 50/50 35W compact
rock: 6lbs live rock
Sand: 3lbs live sand with crushed coral
fish: one very small coral beauty
clean-up crew: 4 turbo snails, 3 small hermit, 1 small fire shrimp
coral: 1 purple mushroom, 1 small group of waving hand , 1 candycane group green, 2 sm ricordia
all these soing well
and my problem, my fish seller states is a encrusting gorgonian. it is branched laterally white/pink skin, under it's branches form purple tubes, it's polyps are grass green about 1 cm long groups fully retract when disturbed but usually come right back out, leave little pimple. now will not come out and it has been 3 + days. I had a very aggresive pepermint shrimp for the three days that coinside with the polyp retraction ( exchanged for fire shrimp) that was crawling all over it. Help!
water paramiters I cycled tank full month before adding anything.
nitrite usually0
nitrate can't get to 0 because salt H20 from LFS is at 10
alkalinity and ph at best reading
H20 changes are about 1 gallon twice a week
I feed fish frozen brine shrimp
The help I would like is what is the polyp, why will it not come out ?dead and what othecorals should I try
also specific gravity is .023 : )