Fish Crazy
Hi Peeps,
Why does everything that can happen, happen at once
Just got in at 4am after a long night shift, thought Oh I know .. will check on the fish as you do.
Tank1... Seemed ok , Went to see if heavily preggars guppy had dropped in tank 2, she had so chased the little blighters around and caught some which i planned on saving anyway.
Then found a lone molly in the other tank so thought hey ho , will save that too, so spent ages catching it without scaring it and thought finally can go have a beer and get some much needed sleep.....
Well I passed back through the hallway glanced into tank 1 again, a bit blury eyed by this stage and spotted eggs on the plant !!! Geezz what to do angels were pecking away like mad, so scooped plant out., put in a breeder with airstone and took pics, I dont know if they are angels or not but highly suspect them to be the peppered Corys ... I know it is hard to tell but do they look ok, I really cant be bothered now to trawl through researching but cant remember if white is good and brown is bad or vice versa cos there is quite a colour difference ??
this is my first time, and i dont expect any to survive, but had to try saving them !!!
thanks in advance for any replys a KNACKERED Becks. x.
Why does everything that can happen, happen at once
Just got in at 4am after a long night shift, thought Oh I know .. will check on the fish as you do.
Tank1... Seemed ok , Went to see if heavily preggars guppy had dropped in tank 2, she had so chased the little blighters around and caught some which i planned on saving anyway.
Then found a lone molly in the other tank so thought hey ho , will save that too, so spent ages catching it without scaring it and thought finally can go have a beer and get some much needed sleep.....
Well I passed back through the hallway glanced into tank 1 again, a bit blury eyed by this stage and spotted eggs on the plant !!! Geezz what to do angels were pecking away like mad, so scooped plant out., put in a breeder with airstone and took pics, I dont know if they are angels or not but highly suspect them to be the peppered Corys ... I know it is hard to tell but do they look ok, I really cant be bothered now to trawl through researching but cant remember if white is good and brown is bad or vice versa cos there is quite a colour difference ??
this is my first time, and i dont expect any to survive, but had to try saving them !!!
thanks in advance for any replys a KNACKERED Becks. x.