Help! Whooshing noise coming from brand-new canister filter


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2021
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I have a brand new Aqua One Nautilus 800 canister. It's been running for 3 days and I'm going to start cycling it once my test kit comes in the mail.
I made sure to prime it before I turned it on but I had to do it manually because the self priming button doesn't work unfortunately.
Maybe I didn't prime it the whole way?
I upped the water level to make sure the input isn't sucking any air in and the there are no kinks in the pipes at all...
Where the pipe connects to the actual input thing there is like a gap between the water if that makes sense.
I've concluded that the whooshing noise is trapped air, I've tried rocking it from side to side no change. The output is blowing bubbles so its definitely that. This is my first experience with a canister FYI :)
I tried to fix it but I just made it worse~ oops
Any tips?

Also, in regards to cycling is it ok for the tank to be running for a week or two because my test kit arrives on Jan 15?

Don't waste your time using priming functions on external canister filters, they are useless.

The best way to fill a filter is:
Have an empty filter sitting next to or below the tank (wherever it normally lives).
Have the intake hose in the tank.
Have an empty bucket next to the filter.
Suck on the end of the outlet hose to get water draining into the filter.
Put the end of the outlet hose into the empty bucket.
Let the filter fill up and when water flows into the bucket, gently rock the filter a couple of times.
Put your thumb over the end of the outlet hose and put it in the tank.
Dry your hands and turn the filter on.

If the filter leaks or sucks air after it is put together, smear a thin layer of Vaseline on the o-ring, then reassemble the filter.
Turn the filter off and unplug it.
Take the hoses out of the tank and put them in a bucket.
Carry the filter outside onto the lawn or put it in a bath tub or laundry sink.
Take the top off and pour the water out.
I primed it and it still makes the noise...
Won't petroleum jelly degrade the silicone o-rings?
Thanks for your previous replies by the way!
post a video of it and try to catch the sound too.

i thought the o-rings were rubber. no idea is vaseline will damage silicon
Ok thank you, I'll try to post a video later but I'm 100% sure its air just not sure how it keeps getting in-
Maybe try rearranging your media and sponges inside the filter maybe there’s not enough media maybe too much
If there is air getting inside the filter, it could be getting in from the o-ring, where the hoses join the filter, or air is being drawn in from the tank (maybe an airstone blowing bubbles near the filter intake)
I have also found they can sometimes be a bit louder when everything is new and it's fresh tap water. There is no biofilm on anything and the air seems to stick around longer. Fresh tapwater also seems to have more dissolved gasses then mature tank water and can take a while to equalise.

Once things have matured a bit it generally settles down.

Assuming it isn't sucking air in from anywhere I normally get it running and then give it a little shake from side to side to try and dislodge the air. If there is air getting in somewhere following the advice above will most likely solve it.
I have also found they can sometimes be a bit louder when everything is new and it's fresh tap water. There is no biofilm on anything and the air seems to stick around longer. Fresh tapwater also seems to have more dissolved gasses then mature tank water and can take a while to equalise.

Once things have matured a bit it generally settles down.

Assuming it isn't sucking air in from anywhere I normally get it running and then give it a little shake from side to side to try and dislodge the air. If there is air getting in somewhere following the advice above will most likely solve it.
OK :)

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