Help - White Spot On Both Eye's Of 1 Of My Rummy Nose Tetra's


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Feb 26, 2008
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A short time ago I noticed a white spot on both eye's of 1 of my 6 Rummy Nose Tetra's. The Spot is about 1 or 2 mm in diameter and appears to protrude slightly and is located near the centre of the eye, it's exactly the same on both eyes which I thought was odd. I have looked at all the other Rummy's and all the other fish in the tank and they don't seem to have it. The Rummy seems fine though as he is schooling with the other Rummy's, swimming fine and eating well.

Does anyone know what it is and how I should treat it?

have you had your rummys for long?? just wondering if this fish has always had this and you've only noticed it now. as you said its unusual for it to be exactly the same on both eyes if its an infection of some sort ( eg :fungus,cloudy eye some sort of bacterial infection) maybe it could be some genetic problem. i had a look at '' where they have a good list of fish eye probs & possible causes maybe if you have a look and see if any of the symptoms match what your rummy is showing. and try searching on this forum and google. ( the only prob with fishyfarmacy is it lists usa treatments for the problems)

i have noticed our old cory boy ( hes now the grand old age of 6 years old) has developed white circles in both of his eyes and i just assumed it was something like cataracts like us humans get when we get on a bit. he's otherwise fine & very active.

maybe you could try a bit of melafix or aquarium salt in your tank ( not if you have loaches or corys though) although im reluctant really to suggest treating a whole tank with anything when your not really sure what the problem is but at least melafix is mild. isolating the affected fish would probably stress it more which would be a shame if it seems quite happy and is feeding ok.

sorry i cant be of more help.

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