I've got black neon's and some of them have got white lumps on their sides.Other than that they are perfectly normal they.
The infection is like a lump of growth on the side its like an oval shape from top to bottom its pretty big 2 -3 mm wide and from top to bottom of the fish. It isn't like pimples or salt , is not like cotton wool. I am not sure if it is on the inside or outside of the skin but it is whitish in appearence.
I'll try to post some pics tonight when I get home. hope this helps
My water is fine. I had one black neon die of this last week so I guess this is spreading. but he took about 2-3 weeks since first symptoms. I got other tetras and they seem fine. Any help is appreciated.
The infection is like a lump of growth on the side its like an oval shape from top to bottom its pretty big 2 -3 mm wide and from top to bottom of the fish. It isn't like pimples or salt , is not like cotton wool. I am not sure if it is on the inside or outside of the skin but it is whitish in appearence.
I'll try to post some pics tonight when I get home. hope this helps
My water is fine. I had one black neon die of this last week so I guess this is spreading. but he took about 2-3 weeks since first symptoms. I got other tetras and they seem fine. Any help is appreciated.