Help, Which Catfish Is Best For A 30g Community?


New Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Here are my options, feel free to recommend any catfish....thanx....

*leopard catfish
*chinese algae eater
*Peppered catfish
*glass catfish pls pick which is best 4 a 30g community tank....(the tank has an albino rainbow, but he is small and very ignorant, and is my fave fish cos he is funny 2 watch) The tank aso has other fish like java/ black loaches and bristlenoses, tetras, tiger barbs etc.

so thanx...and merry christmas or in this case fishmas! Lol...ok :blink: that was kinda lame... :blush:
do you mean albino rainbow shark or an albino rainbow fish?
also what is your current stocking of each fish?

i'm assuming that the fish you refer to as "leopard catfish" are actually a type of corydoras? if so i would go for either these or the peppered catfish, the CAE's become quite aggresive when older and the glass catfish will act as another shoaling middle swimmer and therefore i don't really see them as catfish

provided you have space in the tank i would go for either 6 of one cory species or even 3 of the two species you have mentioned

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