This morning we noticed this little worm in the tank... it was swimming towards the top. When we fished it out and put it on a napkin, it stopped moving. What is it??
Well... I found out on another fish forum that it may not be a worm, but an insect larvae. Doesn't seem like the fish are in any danger, we'll have to keep an eye on things.
That's possible, we don't feed them live food, or even frozen food. It's flakes and dried bloodworms (on occasion, as a treat) for our fishies. Herbie gets algae wafers.
We have a hood on the tank, but I guess anything is possible. It's very puzzling. The last time we changed the water I thought I saw the same thing, very similar but smaller & whitish, as if it had dried up. At the time I shrugged it off thinking it was some kind of debri, especially since the fish all seem healthy - they still do.
For all we know, the fishies are finding larvae that we are not, and having midnight snacks without our knowledge!!