Help! What Are These?


May 1, 2006
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Nottingham, UK
Having got rid of my pesky dawn tetras (oh ... the guilt!) I today went out to a not so local FS, which I'd heard was good, to buy some new fishees! They, by the way, had dawns on sale as white spot tetras, labelled as community fish - but they too have had trouble and assured me they were going to change the notice.

I researched before I went (this time!) and came back with 6 blue emperor tetras (ok I was planning on standard emperors - but these were so pretty!! - there can't be that much difference - can there?) They look beautiful in the tank

On my return I found that I had two extra fishes in the bag!!! They must have swum in when the assistant wasn't looking - he was an elderly gent (even to me :D ) and perhaps his eyesight isn't too good.

I don't know what to do now. Are they White Cloud Mountain Minnows?? They don't have the black blotch on the tail that the book says they do. If so isn't the water going to be too hot for them - it's 79 deg F but goes up to 82 ish on sunny evenings - gets the late sun. They're quite timid - at least in comparison with the emperors.

It's a long way to take them back and I don't want to get the assistant in trouble - he was really helpful.
But will they be ok just the two of them?

Whoops - I do tend to ramble - sorry!



They, by the way, had dawns on sale as white spot tetras, labelled as community fish

three spot tetras are very similar in apperance to dawns but are a seperate fish
look up Serrapinnus kriegi

I researched before I went (this time!) and came back with 6 blue emperor tetras (ok I was planning on standard emperors - but these were so pretty!! - there can't be that much difference - can there?) They look beautiful in the tank[/qoute]

the difference between Inpaichthys kerri Royal tetra (what your lfs called royal blue tetras
and Nematobrycon palmeri the Emperor tetra is size I.kerri only reach 2.8cm whereas N.palmeri reach 4.2cm all other aspects are the same.
you can tell the diference by the adipose fin N.palmeri dosn't have it.

On my return I found that I had two extra fishes in the bag!!!

they look like Rasbora daniconius Slender rasbora to me
I think you're trying to imply that I can't see either :D

The "dawns" were definitely labelled as white spot tetras with no latin name and they looked identical to the fish I had - not just similar. The assistant also agreed that they had problems with them being aggressive. I think the evidence speaks for itself - whatever they were called. I did try looking up Serrapinus kriegi but they're not in any of my books and Google came up with five references - none of them in English and with no pictures.

I accept the slapped wrist wrt the impulse buying - but the lfs did not call them "royal blue tetras" - they called them Blue Emperors (as also does one of my books) - Inpaichthys kerri indeed. And they're still lovely. I shall, of course, come grovelling back for some advice if it all goes pear shaped - but I was looking for something a bit more aggressive this time (relatively speaking) - they have to live with Gilbert the aggressive gold ram who is still chasing the angels round the tank.

As for the extra two fish - that wasn't my fault!! :angry:

I've looked up Rasbora daniconius which my book calls a striped Rasbora but I can't tell whether they are the same or not. The stripe looks more yellow in the picture. The stripe on my fish looks more pinky gold - are you familiar with them? I guess they need to go back - they'll grow to 4 inches - is that right?

Mmmm..... still can't tell whether that is the right Rasbora. You didn't say whether you were sure with the clearer picture. They'd better go back anyhow - to be on the safe side (says they grow to 6 inches!).

As for Serrapinus kriegi no question but that is a different fish. Even I'd notice the difference in the anal fins!

Thanks very much for the info and the links though. My education is advancing.
Thanks Mad Duff. I certainly hope it is. I've just looked them up and they don't grow too big. Do you know whether the two of them would be ok or whether it would be unfair to keep them without adding more (I can't do that - not enough space). They've started to swim around a bit with the blue emperors but are obviously much more timid.
Thanks Mad Duff. I certainly hope it is. I've just looked them up and they don't grow too big. Do you know whether the two of them would be ok or whether it would be unfair to keep them without adding more (I can't do that - not enough space). They've started to swim around a bit with the blue emperors but are obviously much more timid.

They should be ok, to be honest the dont seem to shoal like other rasbora's so 2 will be fine.
Thanks Mad Duff
I shall have to think about a larger tank in the future (and maybe get some more glowlight rasboras) but for now they all seem fine

Hi iJay
I'm not sure whether you're asking if my fish are glowlight danios or whether you can keep two glowlight danios on their own :)

If the first then no, although similar, I think glowlight danios have more colour and some vertical stripes but I'm only going by the photos - I haven't seen one

If the second then I don't know but I'd guess that glowlights are like other danios and prefer a few friends. I have only three pearl danios (two died) but I keep them with six zebra danios and they seem fine - they all swim about together.
Thanks Mad Duff
I shall have to think about a larger tank in the future (and maybe get some more glowlight rasboras) but for now they all seem fine

Hi iJay
I'm not sure whether you're asking if my fish are glowlight danios or whether you can keep two glowlight danios on their own :)

If the first then no, although similar, I think glowlight danios have more colour and some vertical stripes but I'm only going by the photos - I haven't seen one

If the second then I don't know but I'd guess that glowlights are like other danios and prefer a few friends. I have only three pearl danios (two died) but I keep them with six zebra danios and they seem fine - they all swim about together.

it's the first one...

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