Help w/ghost shrimp molting


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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Pittsburgh, PA
I just came back from a trip and I saw my shrimp's skin on the floor of the tank. I knew they shed their skin, but the rest of the shrimp is under a "cave rock" and it looks very fuzzy. I can't tell if it's dead or this is how they should look after molting. Please help, I've never been through molting before.
I've never seen mine after they molted. I always thought they died, then magically come cleaning time I see them. Try poking it and see if it moves.
it's not moving, but even its antenae and some of its legs are with the empty skeleton. It's very pinkish in color right now, and it looks like it picked out a place to molt before it did. I just don't know what they're supposed to look like when they molt, but it's very fuzzy :(
Take it out of the tank. It's probably the molt. I didn't find my ghost shrimp until 1 month after he molted. I see them every noe and again, but most likely not. Best time to catch them is in the morning before sunup. Try getting a moonlight bulb and looking at him at night.
No it's not the molt. I found the molt, just empty skin. But the actual shrimp is in plain view, and it's not moving or forming new skin. I think it's dead. Does is loose the anntanae with the molt?? :(
unfortunately ghost shrimp have a very short life expectancy. they are super sensitive to water conditions, even if yours tested okay there may be something undetectable that affected the shrimp. i had this happen. also, sometimes when they molt the molt is unsuccessful, since they are more vulnerable without their exoskeleton. i used to keepp ghost shrimp but got frustrated with their short term longevity. redundant?? they're cool, but frustrating.
What about other kinds of shrimpl. I've been thinking about getting the cherry red shrimp. Are they more hardy?
Ghost shrimp are supposed to live 1-2+ years. I've had five in my 55 gallon for over six months. They're all doing great.

I've heard mixed things about cherry shrimp. Some say they readily breed in their aquarium, and others say they die for no apparent reason. I haven't kept them myself.
the only time i had some die was when my tank wasn't doing so well, when i moved them they all did fine. one thing to look for would be aquarium iodine/ide, this helps them regrow their new exoskeleton faster and healthier. in my area it's impossible to find, but in others it's very easy. my ghost shrimp are actually very hardy shrimp. is there anything else in the tank w/ them b/c the shrimp need to hide while they are w/o their skeleton or else they are extremely vulnerable, which would be why u found ur where u did. there is a little skin around the antenae that comes off when they molt, same w/ their legs and tail too. mine are wonderful and if you have enough of them you could end up w/ little shrimp fry too! that's always exciting.

I've been keeping bamboo shrimp for about a month now. They are more hardy. I recently switched the tank to brackish (about a week ago) and so far they love it. I knoe that shortly after adding my shrimp I added salt and that seemed to pep up the shrimp a bit. All my fish seem to be happy in my brackish tank. I've had people tell me that the salt helps the molting process.

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