Help Us Decide What To Get For Stocking


New Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Michigan, USA
We have a 200 gallon fish tank that is going to be cycled shortly and no idea what to put in it. We have two other fish tanks also but thought it would be nice to get some other peoples input. So everyone 200 gallons what do you think? Oh and it's fresh water.

Katie and David
Depends, what fish you're interested in.

You like shoals? You like larger fishes? Territorial? Peaceful? Aggressive?

We have a 200 gallon fish tank that is going to be cycled shortly and no idea what to put in it. We have two other fish tanks also but thought it would be nice to get some other peoples input. So everyone 200 gallons what do you think? Oh and it's fresh water.

Katie and David

Plecs..Plecs..Plecs lol :p
Yeah, if you want plecs, go ask JenCliBee for the help.
Plecaholic, or should we say Master of Plecs?
That helps... haha just kidding. Umm we are pretty much open to anything. David likes aggressive. I like the nice little community fish. So give us a few lists. I just want to see my options. But I must say the black and white plec that you have as your picture is very nice looking :).

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