Help Urgently


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2007
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my fish (blackmoor) seems to be goin to the top off the tank an opening an closing its mouth as if in a gasping motin what should i do need help urgent please i really dont want to loose him thanks
What sort of filter do you have? Is the output breaking the surface of the water? Do you have an airstone in the tank? What are the stats for your water?

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Tank is uncycled, based on another thread by the op.
Small tank so could be hypoxia (oxygen lack) although fairly rare.

Is the tank heated?

Have you got your central heating on?
If so turn it off or put the tank in a cool room (not decor wise :no: temperature wise :nod: )

Do you have a household fan?
If so leave this blowing onto the waters surface as well as cooling the water slightly it will increase surface agitation and therefore oxygen uptake.

As mentioned; if the tank is filtered make sure the filter outlet disturbs the waters surface.

Also it could be as a result of poor water conditions, so make sure you heed the advice provided and especially read the links given by Merry78 on your other thread.
well my uncle gave me a blackmoor i have it in a tank has got a room an i am cleaning the water 2-3 times a day as the tank it is in has no filter or de chloride i have been advised to boil the water an then give it that water i am goin to get a tank asap an filters am not sure what i need an have never had a fish before if you or anyone can give me any info i would be very thankful
hi is it ok if i get a glass an take a bit of water out of the tank an puttin it back in from a lil hight 2 try 2 supply oxygen well i tryed this coz am gettin desperate an its still goin to the top an looks like its gasping his/her mouth is out the water if thats of any use plaes help me
Boiling the water will decrease the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Cooler water has more, warmer water has less, and needs to "breathe" a while (not sure how long) for the natural gas exchange at the surface to replenish it. Can you make water changes with same-temperature (or slightly colder) water without boiling it? Add a de-chlorinator just in case, and everything they said about the surface agitation etc. Seachem's Prime is good b/c it also detoxifies ammonia in cycling tanks.

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