Help Urgent Plz


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2007
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my fish is lying on the bottom is hardly movin been like this all day my orther is stayin at the top an swimmin backwards dont no tank size or water stas sorry plz help tank is filterd pplz plz plz help
and the blackmoor the 1 whos stayin at the top is clamping his fins this all started like 5 hours ago plz help
well off the descrption you gave it sounds like swim bladder disease, whats your water quality like? i'd fast them and not feed them for a few days sometimes this alone will break up the impaction and return things to normal, or you could feed them peas, never tryed it but i heard it works.
Clamped fins is a sign of bad water quality. What are the dimensions of your tank? When did you last do a water change? Get your water tested as soon as you can.
K HES UNCLAMED THEM NOW THE BLACKMOOR SEEMS FINE now an gillmo the oranda has a tiny salt like dot on his fin exsept black he had it befopre in the same place it went away then came back

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