Help! unknown deaths


New Member
Jul 31, 2004
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hi, i'm new so i'm not exactly sure what i'm doing here but i'm willing to try anything to save my fish. so here's the deal:

me and my dad just set up our old hexagonal fish tank about a month ago, maybe a little more than that after 1 week we got a few fish and gradually added more and more. we had a blue paradise gourami, bala shark, snakeskin gourami, pictus catfish, golden gourami, rosy barb, and 1 painted tetra (i didnt find out what kind of fish this was until well after i bought, otherwise i wouldnt've bought it, but i'm not gunna disown it now, i just wont go back to that fish store) so those 7 fish were perfectly fine for awhile until the other day me and my dad went to petco and picked up some new fish. we got 2 long finned danios, 2 bleeding hearts, and 1 albino catfish. They seemed fine the first day and they all got along and there were no problems of fighting and the tank wasn't overcrowded. but later that afternoon i looked in the tank and 1 of the danios had a bunch of red spots all over it and kept going in and out of what seemed like a coma, i did notice a few red spots when he came home from the pet store but ignored it. i thot maybe he had a disease. he died later that nite. the next morning i found the albino catfish dead w/ a red spot on it. i noticed the other danio had a red spot on it but otherwise was fine. i found him dead in the tank the next morning. i also noticed that one of the bleeding hearts was discolored and has 2 large white spots, one on it's stomach and one on it's back, but it wasnt small like ick is. that fish died that afternoon when it started acting funny and swimming upside down. so 4/5 fish from petco had died and my gouramis were starting to act funny. one kept jerking back and forth, one was very very sluggish and kept resting at the bottom of the tank looking dead. me and my dad went to petco with one of the live gouramis, a sample of water, and the dead bleeding heart. we had been there a few days ago when the first fish died and they said teh water was fine but we wanted to check. they told us the water was fine and it didnt look like there was a disease among the fish. i didnt really know wat to do after that cuz i thot they were suppose to help me but they didnt help very much. so i went home put the fish back in the tank and everything seemed fine, minus the odd behavior already going on. the next morning, which was this morning i woke up to find my golden gourami dead. he had not marks on him tho i was quite upset to find out this ahd happened. also the other gourami that had been acting very sluggish looked very very sick and i noticed that his fins did look nipped at especially from the bottom. i watched the fish for quite some time and noticed that the painted tetra seemed to be nipping at the bala shark who did have a few scales that seemed to be missing. he was attacking from underneath the bala shark and nipping his underside. the only other nipper was the bleeding heart who was chasing the painted tetra. so i removed the painted tetra in hopes of settling things down. about 20 minutes ago the paradise gourami died. he was the one looking very sick. so out of 12 fish, i have 6 left and i have no idea what's going on. i dont know if there was a disease of if the painted tetra really had killed all those fish, althpugh i jsut noticed it nipping recently, of my a mix of both? if you have any ideas PLEASE help me and my fish.
also, if it helps, i believe it is a 35 gallon tank give or take a gallon and i change the water every week or so
Hi KBaBy. :hi:

I'm not one to trust a chain store with water tests, unless I personally know the employee or I'm standing over the employee practically doing it myself.

Did he give you the exact results (amonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph) or did he just say it's fine?

Also, what temp are you at?
What filter are you running?
Are you using conditioner to remove the chlorine from your tap water?

It could very well be your tetra being aggressive. I have 1 silvertip tetra and he has always been aggressive, even when he was in a school, which brings me to your stocking:

tetra- do best in schools of 6 or more, but I'm not sure what kind of tetra your painted one is.

Bala sharks get huge. I believe about 10" and are schooling fish. Sorry, a 35g is way too small.

Snakeskin gouramis get to be 9"

I think pictus cats are schooling fish.

Rosy barbs are schooling fish.

I'm not telling you to add anymore fish at the moment.

It seems odd that the fish started dieing after the Petco fish were added.

You might have overloaded the bio filter when you added that many fish at once. There's no way to tell without the test results.

As far as diseases go, here's a good site to id diseases:
he did not tell me the exact results he only used the test strips that compare the color, which i also have at my house. i have a aqua clear model 610 runnin in the tank and yes i am using conditioner for the water.... thanks for the advice on the fish
i am now noticing a fairly large sore on the snakeskin gourami. it looks almost swollen and sticks on from the side of the fish and is red all around it





Does it look like the first pic?????

By the way I got this fish at We Love Pets....... a off band store from Petco

It killed all my fish in my tank 8 of them....
yes it does sort of look like that and it's in pretty much the same position, do you know what it is?
p.s. sorry about your fish : (
someone told me it looked like hole in the head (doesn't always start on the head )

I started seeing these little red things on the one fish I got from we love pets (she had babies before she died ) she was Yellow, Red, white and blue.... then the fish I had in the tank already started acting funny...... woke up to my Fav Fish dead in the bottom of tank ....was fine one day and the next Boom gone....well following that fish two more died but they turned Black all over their body and went hard (in water) after that I lost another male that went half black....then my little female just up and died had nothing on it nothing wrong with it..... then it was this fish came home to a fish with a hugh hole in her side 8 hours later Bigger hole and the next day (today) woke up to a fish that had mostly no tail at all... you can treat the rest of the fish with >>>Melafix<<<< but the ones that have any sign or any red spots on their body will just die in time, but if got in time sometimes can live ....

I saved one of my males he had a small sign of it coming on and i treated him with melafix and it went away....

Hope this helped

This is about 2 weeks ago.....
about my fish I've cried over loseing her....the guy at the pet store said it wasn't his problem.....I went over and looked at his tanks to days later and all his fish in the tank had these thing growing on all of I just laughed in his face and said nothing wrong with the tanks !!!!!

I'm more sorry to hear about your fish mine are already dead!!!!!
owch.... i'm very sorry to hear about your fish. this is the first one i've noticed this time of sore on. and none of the others have turned black but if this is what you think it might be i will be sure to treat the fish as soon as i can
External Bacterial Infection
Symptoms: There are a great deal of possible symptoms associated with this disorder. There may be spots on the body which appear red or orange. Watch for red streaks on the surface on the body. Dropsy (bloating) is also a sign of a bacterial disorder. "False Fungal Infections" look like fungus but is actually a bacterial infection known as Columnaris. These symptoms may include a white or gray film on the body.
Treatment: There are a number of effective treatments for many stains of bacterial infections. Three of the most common are tetracycline, penicillin and naladixic acid. Salt baths are another effective treatment.

Information: Bacterial infections are often difficult to diagnose due to the many different types. Orange or red streaks on the body is usually the only fool-proof method for the determination of a bacterial infection.

Could it be this. HTH I hope your fish are ok.
i'm still not totally sure what it is at the moment, but all these posts helped and i think it might be the bacterial disease but i think i'll stick with the salt bath since that treats a variety of illnesses it seems like plus since i'm not exxactly sure what it is, i think it will be teh safest because if i hada medication and thats not the illness they have it could irritate them more and cause further problems.

well thats my reasoning and i think its logical.... but a little reassurance would be nice.... or another idea?
thing is I just lost another baby a few mins ago I don't know what it is some just die for no reason some are dieing with black on their tails (i know this is probably finrot) for once my adult male is doing really good so I've still got him..... I now have 62 babies and three more with the finrot on them ......... my other Guppies did have red streaks going down their back I asked and asked about it and no one would answer me..... I didn't think it could be hole in the head,...because I had a gold fish that really did have it and it didn't look anything like it...
Everything you said is everything they've had

Question how do I give salt baths to babies ?????? they are 6 weeks old and the rest are just really little (a week or two old) I want to save my babies and my last adult male I just don't know what to do or how to do it

Anything else I should be doing to help my babies please let me know
(I know they have fin rot)

Thanks alot

this is something i'm sure me and KBaBy2989 will learn from and someday be able to help someone else.....

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