Help! Treatment resistant, killer whitespot!


New Member
Feb 10, 2015
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My planted set up has come down with a stubborn, apparently treatment resistant strain of whitespot. So far I've had a complete wipeout, waited a week & started restocking, & it's struck again over a week ago. It has so far resisted:
NT Labs whitespot treatment;
Sterazin (which one shop I've used for decades said to use for so-called 'super spot')
All of the above have been combined with temps raised to 87f.
Most of the fish have died, but a trio of empire gudgeon seem unaffected by this parasite & they alone have no spots of signs of illness.
Can anyone help?
Pictures of the fish to confirm it is white spot?

If there is a resistant form of white spot, use copper. Remove any snails or shrimp from the tank before treating the fish. Use copper for 2 weeks and then do a 75% water change and gravel clean every day for a week. Clean the filter too. Then the snails and shrimp can go back in.
Pictures of the fish to confirm it is white spot?

If there is a resistant form of white spot, use copper. Remove any snails or shrimp from the tank before treating the fish. Use copper for 2 weeks and then do a 75% water change and gravel clean every day for a week. Clean the filter too. Then the snails and shrimp can go back in.
Cured it now- fresh bottle of Sterazin at double dose, the stuff I'd been using didn't work as it was old & had gone stale.
Old medication will do it :)

For anyone reading this, always check the expiry date on medications and test kits to make sure they haven't expired.

Avoid buying medications or test kits that are kept in warm, humid or brightly lit areas (by a window or heat source).

If you need to keep test kits and medications for long periods of time, try to keep them cool, dry and dark. I kept mine in a plastic ice-cream container with a lid, and put that on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.

*NB* Make sure children and animals don't have access to the test kits or medications because they contain poisonous reagents.

and good to hear you finally got the problem under control :)

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