Help To Reduce Ammonia And Nitrite Levels


New Member
Nov 13, 2007
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I have a 120 litre tank, In my Signature, And lately I have had a sudden amount of death in the tank, And I can only pin it down to a High increase in ammonia, which was 2.0mg/l measured by Interpets Liquid test kit, And Nitrite Measured as 0.25mg/l measured with the same kit, Can Anyone give some helpful advice to reduce these levels, Thanks.
reduce stocking levels and an immediate large water change (50%), followed by 25% water changes until ammonia and nitrite read 0.

fish in the tank that don't belong there:

kissing gourami (grow to 12")
silver dollar (grow to 6" and belong in a shoal)
As mentioned, keep up WCs as needed to keep the levels low but I don't think your problem is a result of high ammonia and nitrite but the increased levels may be a result of the deaths. Levels of .2 or below will generally take an extended time to kill a fish unless the fish are alreayd diseased or are quite delicate. It's possible that the first fish that died laid in the tank unnoticed and decayed, causing a rise in ammonaia and nitrite.

How long has the tank been set up? Were the ammonia and nitrite at zero and then suddenly jumped up? If dead fish in the tank isn't the reason for the elevated levels, then it's possible you have a problem with the bacteria colony and something has harmed it.

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