Help To Identify This Fish


New Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Hi All
Can anyone please help to identify this fish, sorry about quality of photo, colouration is light brown all over but orange colour under mouth black stripes on body with black dots running length of body, blue eyes with pale blue lips, :rolleyes: hope the description helps.

Jade Eye Cichlid,

HTH really nice, want some. but went for Meek Cichlids instead.
Thanks for your quick reply, at least I know what it is now :rolleyes: Iv'e had him or her for a month now and settled down really well, belive it or not but the person in the shop said it was a green terror.
Thanks for your quick reply, at least I know what it is now :rolleyes: Iv'e had him or her for a month now and settled down really well, belive it or not but the person in the shop said it was a green terror.

pfffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttt green terror, me thinks that person doth require a new brain.

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