Help To Id Fish/Eel-Thing?


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
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Not sure if this is the right place, but if anybody knows it seems like you guys might :). So I bought a few live plants from a chain store in the area. The plants themselves are great, got a very healthy looking Java Fern and Amazon Sword. I did however get a stowaway, that made it all the way home in the bag with hardly any water o_O. He looks like some type of eel? I'll attach a picture. I'm curious what exactly he is, if I'll be able to add this little guy to my tank. I currently have a 29g tank with 5 guppies, 2 platys, and 1 angelfish. Any info or a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated :). Thanks again!

It's a Pangio species, what would generally be called a coolie loach. There are numerous species, some of which lack the orange/brown bands sported by some of the more commonly traded species.

Cheers, Neale
Holy fast responses batman. Thanks a lot for the info! I looked up some info about them and it appears they like to be kept in groups. Will he be alright all by himself? There is a lfs around that I like that would probably take him.
Pangio spp. are best kept in groups. You can probably mix them, so if you can't get any more of this particular species, try adding whatever Pangio you can find. Kept singly, they tend to be very shy. If it were me, I'd keep him, and hunt down a couple more.

Cheers, Neale
Thanks again, I think I'll do that. I went back to the store I got him from, and they actually don't even sell them. I couldn't find any in any of the tanks either. He was probably under the gravel and nobody even knew.

Also, courtesy of Wikipedia - -

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