Help ..... This tanks been set up but ..


New Member
Apr 25, 2004
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I have cloudy water. I have also been loosing a fish a day. The temp in the tank is 27.5 degrees Celsius. I was given some Acu-Clear for the tank which I have been using, although it worked the 1st time, the grime has now returned and is now still there. I have also noticed that the fish are swimming to the top of the tank apart from the tetras which are swimming in the middle.

Can anyone please offer any suggestions?

Many Thanks,
We will need more info: size of tank, is it cycled, water parameters, how many fish, what kind of fish, how long tank has been running. :)
It is a 50 Litre tank (Sorry but the Euro has gripped us) There are 14 tetras (10 Glowlight and 4 Neon) Guppies and Platys. There is 1 Guppy that has just given 10 Fry. They seem OK. The tank has been set up for just over a month..

I would not say that the tank is overcrowded, but there is a breeding tank in there at the moment.

Many Thanks,
Im not the one to tell you that you might be overcrowded because ALL my tanks are,. How many platys and gups are in the tank? Also, have u tested for amonia, nitrites and nitrates. Are you sure your tank was fully cycled b4 you added that many fish?

The cloudiness could be due to a bacteria bloom. My 29g gets that way after I do a good gravel cleaning, But is crystal clear the next day. I would do a small water change.

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