Help this addiction!!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2004
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I'm VERY impressed with my 55 Gal. freshwater.....(1 year, but have previous experience)
Then I spotted a section of my living room that needs "attention". "Start a Marine Tank" I says.....
I then think back on the wonderful *&%$-ing "Journey, not the destination" adventure I've gone through with the freshies. (Quite rude for a Canadian!) :sick:

I'm all for a challenge,...but my question is to those of you who have made the jump to Salt, you regeret it? Should I gather another 30 gall fresh tank? I'm quite lazy, but not with my far.

I'm afraid that I'll get all excited, do all the right stuff,....then realize they are the same. (Nothing wrong with that...but do I need the extra work / money to gain the same 'buzz'?)

Talk me out of this terrible,..terrible infliction we heap upon our children.
Next thing we know, we'll be selling our yout's for 'feeder guppies'. Oh, the inhumanity!
I've not taken the salty plunge myself. I've have many years with various set ups but don't feel I've the finances or skill for a salty. If you are really thinking about it just researching and planning can be quite a kick. Is your current tank planted? Perhaps that would be the buzz your needing while you contemplate the "to salt or not to salt" question. :D Either way, I wish you well and really enjoyed this little peek into your innermost thoughts..

First read the pinned threads, I wrote "My Very Own Nemo" for those pondering the "salt or not to salt" question. It is only a glimps at starting out, however I must be honest and tell you this.
I love my reef, this hobby has taught me pachence and dedication. I have gained more from it than I can express in words. With all the hard work I have done and do in caring for my reef, it only brings me peace, draws me in and takes away all the stress this world can place upon me. I will never have to worry about replacing my television, I don't turn it on anymore. I give my evenings to the reef and her beauty. She is always changing with new life springing forth with all the colors and magic mother nature has to offer.

Ramjet! What a beautiful post. I'm so glad that your salty gives you such peace - maybe EVERYONE should have one. No TV is a very atractive idea. I find that it is never on in the summer and never off all winter long. I'm not much of a watcher but the husband and the kid are...

i had a 30 gal freshwater eclipse that i slowly started to turn into a saltwater tank. I never really got to finish it before i went to college so i gave all my supplies to my brother. Personally i liked messing with saltwater over fresh water just because of the challenge. only thing i would say... if ur trying to cure your fish addiction don't go saltwater... it will just make it worse. So much stuff to buy and tinker with in a saltwater tank.
I've just started a salt water 2 weeks ago. Not even got any fish yet - only live rock! I'm hooked already. It has been brilliant watcking it slowly change colour and watching the base rock become live... I'm still learning to fine tune the ph and nitrate as every time you water change to reduce the nitrate the pH goes down... Email or pM me if you want to share "experiences"
Well!!!It's nice to know that the planet's fish should have less to worry about with people like you guys out there.

Thanks for the replys. Not sure I'm any better off in my decision, what with RAMJET's wonderful post describing exactly why we do what we do (I did read the pinned posts...all of them except the "Nemo" post! I will.) Then there's WONDER371's great advice about furthering the 'addiction'. Gotta take that into consideration. Thanks for the 'plant' advice ALASKA, though for some reason, I must be very lucky in that I tried the planted routine about 8 months ago, and outside of a couple of plants, have had tremendous success....(I know,..yeah sure..), but I'm now having to cut back a couple of groups due to them going nuts. (All this without co2 believe it or not!) And finally, LEANNE, I thank you for the offer to share experiences, though, knowing my somewhat compulsive behavior, I think I'll act somewhat responsible for a while longer, and see if the urge goes away, though I know it won't. (And why does "won't" have an apostrophe in it??)

Hopefully, I'll be back here digging into your brains soon about my new Marine!
I can't tell you that my first reef tank is a success. I made some boo boos along the way for sure.
I really didn't have any great feelings about it till the corals started comming in. Even more so when I started target feeding...

It is extreemly interesting and chalanging.

I hope that the feeling of exitment lasts!

I know I never look at my FW tank... and mine is one of the best in its class IMO. There is just so much interesting stuff going on in the reef (granted its very new).

I can say 100% I never figured it would be SO MUCH MONEY!!! I have spent thousands of dollars (and we arn't even talking about 50-100 dollars more in electricity a month (summer more). I have only spent 400 on live stock... I could easly spend 600-1000 more (but wont till I get the hair algea under check).

I often state, and firmly believe my FW fish is way more bang for buck than SWFO... but the reef is kick butt (so far).

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