Help! Think my synodontis has ich!

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Jul 9, 2004
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Lincolnshire UK
I wonder if anyone can help clear up what medication I can use in my tank as obviously salt is not an option. I don't know which mediaction to chose as I also have a lot of Corys and a giant common Plec. One of my Gouramis is looking a bit ill this morning as well and the real pain in the bum is that I have just sold my smaller tank so I can't confine anything!!!!

Any advice would be greatly appreiciated so I can make the right descision.

I use white spot terminator by king british. I also have cories,loaches and synodontis. Hope this helps. :)
There are many options, but check that they can be used with scaleless fish. I have used King British in the past also, but remember to use some aeration device when adding malachite green or formalin. Avoid anything that mentions copper on the packaging.

You could also try raisinig the temperature to 30C or 86F for a few days, four usually does the trick for me. Again, be sure to add extra aeration.

Many thanx for the advice, but alas my synodontis has become another victim of the dreaded ich :(

I put some treatment in on wednesday but I think it was too much for the poor mite. Got a problem now with a lot of my fish glancing off rocks (but no white spots yet!) and am not able to put any more meds in til Sunday. I raised the temp of the tank as suggested in many other threads and added an extra airstone, so hopefully the rest should be okay.

Fingers crossed!

PS Does anybody know if it is safe to put ur hands in the aquarium water after it has been treated with meds? My plec seems to have moved an awful lot of rocks and its looking pretty dangerous in there now! Don't want him to get squashed, so want to remove the rock and my husband has suggested using silicon to stick them together.

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