Help They're Eating My Plant!


New Member
Nov 23, 2012
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Hi all, I have a 60 gal with established plants, anubias, java fern...
  Yesterday I planted tall background Aponogeton boivinianus, and hygro angustifolia.
I have about 19 fish,  neon rainbows, (don't bother plants), tiger barbs, rosey barbs, grn barbs and 2 BNP's.
   I expect the BNP to climb around and check it out...thats okay
 YEsterday my rosey and green barbs were constantly at the tall plants to where it has holes! ugh!
 I even placed a romaine leaf in there to try to detract...didn't work.
 So last nite I slipped a white net, (ones used for small breeder netting) over plant and tied down.
 Now they are really freaking out, Idk if its the "white" net,, or just that its something new "again"
 What should I do??  Keep it on the plant to help it out?  Or just let them eat it??
  It wasnt that expensive, $5.99, but still this was an on-line order from reputable site, and their plants are just beautiful...
  Any suggestions would help...after their morning feeding they are very stressed...usually they settle down somewhat..
Take the net off and let the fish at it. Make sure the fish are well fed and they should soon get bord of it. The plant will recover:)

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