Help The Noob! Easy Questions!


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Ok I've been looking at setting up a FOWLR tank somtime in the near future. I currently have a Freshwater community setup, im just getting my feet wet with my upcoming saltwater setup. I just have a couple basic questions, i've been reading alot about what i need, but some of the things I don't know what they are or what they do! Please help. k.....

1. a Sump? What is it? Whats it do? Totally confused on what a sump is.

2. Protien Skimmer, not quite sure what these do? are they like a filter? or do you use it yourself?

I guess thats it. only 2. Thanks for the help you give me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Sumps are basically filtration tanks underneath the display tank. They're used to increase water volume, and as a place to put unsightly protein skimmers, heaters, chemical media, etc so that they dont dirty up the look of the display tank. Lots of people also create refugium sections in their sumps where they grow macro algaes to provide nitrate export.

protein skimmers are a type of filter that removes hydrophobic dissolved organic compounds (DOCs). They basically consist of a powerhead with an air inlet to create bubbles in the stream. The bubbled water is pushed into a reaction chamber. There the DOCs stick to the edge of the bubbles which rise to the top of the reaction chamber and overflow out into a small collection cup on top of the skimmer. The collection cup is emptied when necessary.

Make sure you go check out the stickies at the top of the marine and reef chit chat section, especially the one entitled "Thinking of starting a marine tank"

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