Help - Tetratec Ex700 Filter


New Member
Jun 14, 2007
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South Norwood, London
I have a Juwel Rio 180 Fish Tank and have just upgraded the filter to the Tetratec EX700 - Which is the best way of setting up this filter?

As per the Instruction Manual it looks like the Spray Bar is over to the left hand side and the Intake Bar is over to the right hand side - is this the correct way? As I have just seen a video on YouTube where the Spray Bar and Intake Bar are both positioned together (next to each other) on the left hand side (see website link below).

Also should the Spray Bar be above the water or below the water level - Does it matter how they are positioned?

I am also going to be running the Juwel filter (which came with the tank), for the next 4 weeks to mature the new filter - should I keep this on one side with the Tetratec on the other side?
I would rip the Juwel out of the tank.

Remove the bag of carbon that comes with the Tetra, and stuff some or all of the Juwel media in its place.

The spray bar and pipes can be positioned wherever you want them.

Most people would put the spraybar along the left side rather than the back and the inlet on the right, although I have mine the same way round as in the you tube setup video.

1 important note.

They you tube video fills the cannister and then starts the filter which is wrong.

Connect the whole lot up into desired positions.
Open all the valves ready to start.
Press the prime button several times in a pumping motion which will start the water coming from the spray bar and inlet and filling up the cannister and pipes.
You'll hear when this process has finished.
Once it stops and all the pipes are full you'll notice it has 'stolen' a load of your tank water, so refill the tank to your usual level.
Now turn the filter on (It will make some squeaky noises which is the air being pushed out the spraybar holes but after 5 minutes should be silent)
If the actual filter cannister is making loud noises you havent done the prime bit properly.

I would rip the Juwel out of the tank.

Amen to that! I tore the Juwel out of my Rio 125 and replaced it with a EX700, and it was definitely the best thing I have done to this tank. I have the spray bar along the left hand side of the tank, and the intake on the right hand side - I would have put the bar along the back, however I am using the Juwel STR background (which my plecs have eaten the paint off of :S) and I would have had to cut it down lower than I wanted.

The EX700 is a great filter - near-silent in my lounge.

Good luck!
Thanks for that.
I orderd a EX 700 from Zooplus today and other than the primeing problem and knobs breaking its a great filter going by the reviews. :shout:
Going by the reviews if anything goes wrong tetra will replace it, good service. :good:

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