Help! Tank Leak!


New Member
Sep 8, 2010
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Hi guys,

I purchased a 4ft tank from my friend's dad around 2 months ago. Up until today it has been fine, but I just got home from work and around 1/3 of the water is now soaked in the living room carpet! I have made a pen mark on the front of the tank and the water level doesn't seem to be moving, so I think it must have been a failure of the seal somewhere near the top. Don't really know what to do, I don't have another tank to move the fish into at the moment. Has anyone had this problem before? Am I going to need to empty the whole tank, or do you think it's ok to leave it 2/3 full for now?

I have never had this problem, I think you will need to buy aquarium safe sealant, but not sure about it, or buy a new tank.

I would empty it and put the fish into large plastic storage boxes with the filter and heater and reseal the tank. Problem with leaving it with water in is that the weak joint will still have pressure on it and could split at any point.
Having a leaky tank is not fun! First of all, you need to find the leak. It would be better if you can put the fish somewhere else while you figure it out. If you don't have another tank, you can go out and get a rubbermaid tote and put your filter and heater in it with a few decorations for hiding places. Put your fish in there while you look for the leak.

I would empty it and put the fish into large plastic storage boxes with the filter and heater and reseal the tank. Problem with leaving it with water in is that the weak joint will still have pressure on it and could split at any point.


That's exactly what I would do as well. And then seek out a good aquarium sealant and do all the edges to be sure nothing is missed.
oh and yes you will need aquarium safe sealant and let it dry for at least 48hrs, maybe longer if you need to do the whole seam. Drying time depends on thickness.
Hi guys,

Thank you kindly for all of your advice. I've just looked and it hasn't emptied anymore. I've taken some more water out so it's just over half full. The corner where the leak occured is now dry, I think it's only an area at the join of around 1cm where the sealant has failed. Could I get some sealant and just seal this bit without taking all of the water out? I understand what you mean about the rest of it being weak, but the rest of it seems pretty well sealed, it just seems to be a small area.

Are you sure that's where it's leaking from? My bedroom tank sprang a slow leak a couple of months ago and I thought I'd found where it was; sealed it, refilled the tank to about a third full and everything seemed fine.

So I filled it all the way back up, and then discovered the leak was in one of the base seams, but a third of the tank full wasn't creating enough pressure to force the water out, only a tank over half full did it, so I had to drain it all back out and start again :/

I would empty it out and do the job properly, even though it's a hassle. Silicone sealant is nasty stuff until it's cured.

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