Help! Tank Is Ruined! How Do I Fix This?


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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I had a family emergency and was away from my flat for just over a month. I asked my friend to look after my tank. I had nearly finished my fishless cycle, my tank included the filter, heater, substrate and a piece of wood. I got back yesterday and I nearly broke down (stupid i know). My tank is a murky brown, about an inch scum line where the water has decreased and there is a white skin on top. I have started to just take out the water with a plastic jug but all way to describe it is if you had a thick white bubble that has popped and left a skin. Its all over my equipment and wood and stuck to it.

My question...... How do I clean everything? Whats the best way? Should I replace the substrate and start from scratch? What do I use to clean???

sorry for the messy post, I am so emotional right now and pissed off. Not one water change has happened! Even though I showed her and everything. ARGHHH!!!

I am just so thankful I had no plants or fish in there.....

hopefully this link to the photos will work -
Hi, I don't have all of the answers but I know you are emotional about this so a reply is better than nothing until someone better comes along.

I think I had this before too, and I did not start from scratch. I had a white coating and I can't remember what it was called, but it happened very quickly despite regular tank maintenance, and while fish were in. It was a very established tank. My catfish ended up eating a lot of it. :unsure:

My first instict for you is to do water tests and post the results, if you have a test kit. Then do a water change. Since you don't have fish yet it could be big, but I have never been a fan of huge water changes because it can disturb the chemistry so much. If you have a kit, I would do a test before and after a water change and post the results of both.

I really don't think your tank is ruined, and I have the feeling you will not have to start from scratch. Certainly don't do anything rash yet if it isn't too late. Cleaning everything will mean starting a new cycle and whilst that isn't the end of the world, it may not be necessary. I would be upset and annoyed too in your position, but as you said, at least there weren't any fish in there.
Water changes don't hurt anything, i hate when i hear people say this. I would remove your filter and put it to one side in some DECHLORINATED water (feel free to give the outside of the filter a wipe down if it's mucky). Then empty the tank and clean it head to toe. Put your substrate in a bucket and start washing it, use a wooden spoon to make sure you give it a good swirl. Set the tank back up, add dechlorinated water, put your filter back in and add 2ppm of ammonia to test what state the bacteria is in. Basicslly, try and continue your fishless cycle where you left off. With a bit of luck you'll have some bacteria in there and you'll be done really quickly.
mossonthemoon: Thank you for your post, it really helped me to calm down and feel better about the situation :)

Alm0stAwesome: Thank you! I am beginner and its very reassuring to find out that water changes wont damage anything :) * fingers crossed on my bacteria*

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