Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

come on guys, lets give carronann a break about listening the LFS--if you'll read her latest posts, then you'll realize that she's really taking our advice to heart! she needs to get the Ich infestation under control first and then she needs to start worrying about fixing her stocklist. if the small size still bothers you, then just think of her current set-up as a "hospital tank" and think of her potential 4ft set-up as the "main tank that is to come". ;)

i agree with underwurlde that airstones are unnecessary under normal conditions, but most medications will decrease the solubility of oxygen in a tank and raising the temperature will also decrease the oxygen levels. for this reason, its generally recommended that while medicating and in high temperature tanks, you increase surface agitation. (just a fancy way of saying "add an airstone") once you're done with the whitespot treatment, its really your option whether or not you want to keep the airpump running. if you have a hang-on-the-back (HOB) filter, then you should be fine without any additional agitation but if you run canisters like me, then you might want to put the airstone back into the tank if your fish start to look like they're breathing hard.

an alternative to an airstone that you may want to seriously consider is setting up a sponge filter (there's instructions on how to make your own in the DIY forum). sponge filters provide the same surface benefits as a plain airstone but also help increase the filtration on your tank, which is always pleasent. but they can be a bit bulky and some people don't care for their appearance. i personally think that everyone should have a sponge filter just in storage as part of their "emergency fish medicine kit" because they're great for setting up a quarantine or hospital tank if you have a few days notice. just put the sponge in with your filter media for a day or two to get some bacteria seeded onto it. then set up the sponge filter in a spare 5g bucket with the fish you need to isolate. voila! instant quarantine tank.
Thanks you so much for all your advise, it is greatly appreciated.

The fish are very mobile and looking for food.
I took the advise not to feed them but an worried that the bigger fish will go for the babies if they get to hungry... will this happen?

My filter has a venturi on it so I turned that on a bit more to help the oxygen level (I'm learning :good: ).

I will redose again on saturday morning with the white spot medication but wanted to ask when do I turn the temperature down as I raised it as advised to speed the parasite cycle up.


I tested the ammonia level tonight and it read 0.1. I was swaying on the 0.0 but my daughters are debating that it's 0.0 :unsure:

I was asked what test i am using for the other ones and it the test strips. It says precision labs, inc. Test Strips. Fresh water aquarium test strips. The nitrate NO3 ppm ranges from 0 - 500. This now shows 50. Nitrite NO2 ppm ranges from 0 - 25 and is now showing 5.0

The fish are active still. The main one that i saw white spots on has then more prominent now. is this due to the white spot treatment bringing them out more?

I was asked what test i am using for the other ones and it the test strips. It says precision labs, inc. Test Strips. Fresh water aquarium test strips. The nitrate NO3 ppm ranges from 0 - 500. This now shows 50. Nitrite NO2 ppm ranges from 0 - 25 and is now showing 5.0.

Might I suggest the Freshwater Master Test Kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. It's a very nice kit, IMHO. I bought it based on the many recommendations by others here.
I will redose again on saturday morning with the white spot medication but wanted to ask when do I turn the temperature down as I raised it as advised to speed the parasite cycle up.

Keep the temperature up for at least three full days after the last signs of the parasite is gone. Maintain high aeration during the raised temperature.
I apologize for coming off so harsh. I do hope you can get things straightened out.

Thank you very much.. No worries :good:

Thank you for the advise on the master test kit. I am just about out of the ammonia test kit so it sounds a good investment. I shall keep the water temperature up as you suggest.

I read the run down on the site of how to treat Ich/white spot also and just wondered as it says to retreat on the fourth day..... Do I do another 50% change that day when i treat. Also, do I do water changes in between the first treatment and the

Hi, I too have white spot at the moment, I can't turn my temp up as i have a sucker fish that apparantly prefers cold water so am worried in case he doesn't like the high temp, can't remeber what he called.

I had white spot before and on both these occasions it was because I added new fish to the tank, unforunately we only have one place to buy fish from and so chocie is limited.

It is heart breaking to loose fish, especially like you say they are a member of the family, but at this stage all you can do is treat the tank, turn up the temp, keep treating for at least three days after the last spot falls off, and fingers crossed you will not have too many casualties.

At the moment you can't take any back to the LFS anyway due to the white spot, so i would suggest sit tight and try to let things sort themselves out, there is no other choice but too wait and then worry about any overstocking later

My last outbreak resulted in a few deaths, mainly because my lfs said not to worry about the 1 x white spot I had noticed, give it a couple of days and it will fall off. Never did he say it would spread nor did he advise to to treat the tank.

So as I always say search the forum and then take all the relevant advice you need, which is plentyfull on here and then go with the bits that are relevant to you.

Good luck, hope you fish and mine are all okay!!
unforunately we only have one place to buy fish from and so chocie is limited.

I know what you mean. I live on an a small island and have the same problem.

The forum is excellent and we are blessed with the suppprt that is given. Although I don't know anyone and I am a newbie to both the forum and the fish world, I am heartened by the supprot that is given unconditionally to a stranger. It warms my heart :good:

I shall keep plodding on and hope that they fair well. My friends think I am nuts being so attached to things that'just swim around and do nothing' all day. I love my fish and although I bought the tank ages ago, it took me 9 months to find someone to ship it to the island (small island syndrome. very expensive!), but i wouldn't be without them. It is all still baffling to me all these chemicals and measurements but i hope to learn as i go on.

You are probably doing much better than me, I have added a new post, my fish are quite poorly, white spot, i think columnaris, 1 x very fat tetra who we thought had dropsy but no pine coning and 1 x platy with a ripped tail. I am a bad mother maybe.

It seems you go to bed all happy and then you get up in the morning, and bingo - diseases all over.

And my 14 year old wants a marine tank - and uses my sign in to discuss what he needs to get one !! ha ha I don't think so.
You are probably doing much better than me, I have added a new post, my fish are quite poorly, white spot, i think columnaris, 1 x very fat tetra who we thought had dropsy but no pine coning and 1 x platy with a ripped tail. I am a bad mother maybe. It seems you go to bed all happy and then you get up in the morning, and bingo - diseases all over. And my 14 year old wants a marine tank - and uses my sign in to discuss what he needs to get one !! ha ha I don't think so.

Not at all. I'm in the same boat. If it was one of my girls, I would put them to bed and give them some meds to help (i'm a nurse). But with the fish it is soooooooo complecated and can be frustrating. Tis definately easier when the girls are ill!

Yeh I've noticed the go to bed happy and wake up with disease thing. I think it's a conspiracy lol

As for kids....... They are sooo resilient and sneaky. My 20 yr old wants a plec that she has shown me on the net and it grows HUGE! of course she wants me to buy the huge tank and accessories and look after it whilst she in her own flat in Glasgow!.. No chance :)

Update on the test scores.

Ammonia 0
Nitrate NO3ppm - 10
Nitrite NO2ppm - 0
pH - Still under 6.4 scoring but this is the same as my tap water before the dechlorinater etc.

The ammonia etc have definately come down a huge amount in a couple of days :)
why is that, kids want something but want us to to do all the hard work, I have told mine to help with the tank they wanted, unfortunately I work from home and don't get much done as I am always sat in front of the tank.....just in case....... Oh well.

Perhaps one day it will be easy and less expensive.

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