Apologies if this is not the correct area, but after months of no issues with my tank I seem to be having a bit of an emergency! About a week and a half ago, one of my 10 T.Hengeli passed away. I was not particularly surprised by this, as this one had seemed particularly feeble ever since i got him, with poor colouration, and an oddly misshapen tail. I know that I probably should have removed him straight away, but this is my first tank, I didn't want to kill a live fish, and I don't have a quarantine tank I could put him in. All others seemed well, so I assumed it was an isolated incident. However, for the last 4-5 days, one of the other Rabsora has seemed very unwell, starting with a paler complexion, and what seemed like a darker discolouration near the base of the tail. Now, white lumps have appeared on both the tail and on their side, and they seem very unwell indeed! I'm not sure what to do about this, as I have no idea what's causing it. I've attached a few pictures, but my apologies of they are not so clear, as they tend to hide near the back of the tank most of the time. Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated, as if it is infectious i would rather it didnt spread.
Even more concerningly, another seems to be developing that slight discolouration of the base of the tail that preceded the others. I have attached an image of that as well:
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
Even more concerningly, another seems to be developing that slight discolouration of the base of the tail that preceded the others. I have attached an image of that as well:
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!