Help stocking my new 30-gallon

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Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
I'd love some help for ideas for stocking my new 30-gallon (36" long x 12" deep x 16" tall) tank....

The substrate is sand. I'm working on (fishless) cycling now (seeded with media from one of my other tanks).

I know I *definately* want a group of 6-8 kuhli loaches.

I'd also *possibly* like a combination of any of these fish:
- Penguin Tetras
- Bloodfin Tetras
- Cory cats (unless it would be too much having these & the kuhlis)
- German Blue Rams (pair)

I think I've ruled out the Rams though because I have hard water, and I read they need soft water. Oh well.

I'd sort of like a group of tetras (either bloodfin, penguin, or some of both if possible) and then a "centerpiece" fish or pair of fish. (That's where I would have liked the rams) Any other suggestions???

I know I definately DON'T want any gouramis, bettas, or livebearers. (I have these in other tanks and would like to try something new/different!)

Thanks for the help!!
How about:
6-8 khuli loaches
6-8 tetras (one species)
2 small, "peaceful" cichlids

I hear the same about blue rams being uber sensitive. Have you considered Bolivian Rams? They tend to be more forgiving of water parameters. Other good options might include a pair of Rainbow cichlids or a trio of Apistogramma cacatuoides.

Out of curiosity, what are your water parameters?
OMG, you have 7 tanks not including the 8 betta tanks. and i thought i had problems.

i cant really help on stocking although i would add that german blue rams prefer an established tank, hard or soft water is debatable as they can acclimatise. one thing for sure though they hate water quality fluctuations so wait at least 6 months before putting those in any tank.
Bell, I have a school of 7 bloodfin tetras, and I can say they are great little fish. They're not too nippy, and very active. My only problem with them was their timidness, it took awhile before they would stop hiding from me.
Thanks for the suggestions all!

I originally was quite fond of the penguin tetras (saw them at the LFS and fell in love) but I figured black & silver tetras with black kuhli's would be kind of bland (everything black & white haha). Then I read about the bloodfin tetras and thought they might be neat. Unfortunately I haven't seen them in any of the stores near me, so I don't know whether they'll be an option or not.

I read that rams are quite sensitive, so they would certainly be added absolutely last IF I were even to get them. My LFS is literally about 5 blocks down the road (on the same street) as me, so I would assume their water parameters are simmilar to mine, so perhaps they would do okay? I don't know. I'm going to look into the other "peaceful" cichlids you mentioned though!

As far as my water parameters, I can't remember the exact numbers off the top of my head (I'm at work). I know the water is hard and the pH is more to the alkaline side than the acidic.

And yes... I have a horrible case of multiple-tank syndrome, which worsened when I moved out of my parents house and into my own place, LOL. ;)

Oh I just looked up the Apistogramma cacatuoides that you suggested -- they're lovely! I've never seen any locally, but then again I don't usually browse in the cichlid section of the LFS that much. I'll have to check to see if they have them or can order them!!

This just popped into my head also -- what about angels? LiveAquaria says 30 gallon minimum for them, but I'm thinking it may still be a bit small, and perhaps the tetras would be too nippy...?

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