HELP! Someone's having babies


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Union County, New Jersey
One of my new guppies is having babies. I think right now. I just put two fry into a breeding net but I can't figure out which one is having the babies so I can move her. They are all equally round. All have the black spot. I moved one to a breeding net because I thought she might look the biggest. I fed them a little and they all ate except for her. But I don't know if she didn't eat because she's mad she's "locked" up or because she's having babies.

Do guppies have any symptoms?

Please help. Would like to save them. They will be my first guppy fry ever.
Going to check on them again.
Well, you're doing everything pretty well :thumbs: I would suggest you to look at both the breeding net and the tank, cause if you notice more guppies in the tank and none from the one in the net then you'll realize who the mother is :p Well, what is the mother in the tank doing and compare it to the one in the breeding net?Be sure to make a reply. Again you're doing very good :thumbs:
Thanks for replying so fast. There are actually 3 females. The two that I haven't moved to the net are acting normal as far as I can tell. The'r both pooping right now actually, (do they poop while having babies? :blink: ) The one in the net still looks annoyed :grr: and quite honestly, she's not a fat as the others.
How long are the intervals between babies usually. Could I have interrupted her by moving her. My gut says its her and maybe she's half empty of babies already. Who knows how many got eaten before I found them.
I thought they usually did this at night?
My blood pressure is through the roof!
Should I not have the light on in the tank. I can't possible see the bry if I turn it off.
Maybe she did do it at night, you just happened to get the left over ones. :blink: Mine usualy either go to the gravel and drop their offspring or swim slowly and poop them out. What I suggest is you getting breeding grass, the female guppy usualy goes down there to rub her belly for what ever reason and the baby fish go into there. Or the baby fish find their way to there. " from my experience "...
WOW! I guessed right. The one in the breeding net is having babies. I just watched one pop out.

There are five now in the net with her. They are all laying on the bottom. They are alive but not swimming. Are they ok. Does it take a while for them to get going?

Going to watch some more. Will check back in a few minutes. Thanks
I think I just found a potential problem. The female that is giving birth and one of the males, both of which were new yesterday, have something white on their lips. What is this? What should I do
I would suggest to either get a tank for situations like this, or to just try your best in either risking medicating them or letting them work it out. I'm very happy for you, you did an excellent job :thumbs:

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