All of the above, but having reptiles takes a different approach. It is not fishkeeping inthe true sense.
I used to keep terrapins in a 3' tank. They need special lighting and special filtration. Due to the fact they eat "meaty" foods which is their main dietary need, they produce waste similar to ours. Think about it that way and you will see why the water turns smelly. You will need more than just activated carbon to filter out the bacteria, because there will be harmful bacteria as well as good going into the canister. Changing the water more often will dilute the waste, but will not eliminate it. I don't know a great deal about turtles, but what I might suggest if you have not done so already is build a "dry" side of the tank by building up your gravel. Minimising the "wet" side and therefore your filter can deal more effectively with the reduced water area. On the plus side your turtle can bask under the modified sunlight tube when it wants, and if it get too warm, go for a swim.