Help - Sick Guppy. Can You Help?


New Member
Sep 19, 2012
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Hi. Ill keep it brief:

50l tank with neons and 3 guppys (inlcuding this one) Water quality fine, 25% water change twice a week.

Female Guppy, Thin flat stomach/tummy, lacking some colour in tail. Tail also ripped. Fish lethargic, sometimes clamping fins. Not eating right.


I bought a breeding trio of double-sword aquamarine guppies about 4 months ago.
About 5 days ago, a female started hiding away in the corner, tail touching the ground head up just sitting there.

Left her for a few days, noticed she wasnt eating. Took a closer look to notice her tail is more pastey in colour (shes albino/blonde) and was torn/ripped all along, as before her tail was almost a perfect rectangle in shape.

On day 3 I removed her from the tank and sat her in a floating breeder trap in the tank so no other fish could bother her (not that the other 2 female guppies in that tank or the neon tetras or shrimp would attack her). So basically no other fish i think would of attacked her, ive never seen any aggression in this tank at all.

So fin rot i think to my self?? Is that would of she just suddenly of contracted the disease i havent changed anything with the tank...Ideas?

What worries me more is her belly is almost none, not concaved in but completely flat empty. Shes about 6 months old and has never seen a male so its not like she had fry and has dropped any...impossible.

I have, today day 5, seen her eating...with some encouragement in the floating breeding trap. Im treating the whole tank with something called eSHa 2000, a good general all round tonic, good for the fry which are in there, and it says it treats fin rot too.


Female Guppy, Thin flat stomach/tummy, lacking some colour in tail. Tail also ripped. Fish lethargic, sometimes clamping fins. Not eating right.

Any Ideas Gurus? Thx
If you say your water quality is fine then it could be vitamin deficiencies, neon tetra disease or physical damage.

These can bring on seconday bacterial infections as well.
and what sypmotoms are from neon tetra disease ?

The guppies get a mix of flake, bloodworms, dauphnia.

Any ideas what i should do now? Ill re-check tomo the water qualities as ive just treated the tank with eSHa 2000...which i presume could effect results

Just shes a very important, quite expensive guppy and it be crap to loose her, id just like to know what im dealing with... i will also...if its possible upload a photo of her...

Yes please upload the picture to and copy past the pictures link. That wpuld be awesome!

Neone tetra disease can cause color loss, sunken belly, as well as others

Seconday infections can include fin rot as well as others

The cause and cure is not exactly known but using medication for the seconday infection helps.

It stinks not identifying the cause. Hopefully tomorrows water test has an ansewr at least so something can be done!

Sorry that your fish is going thru this. Whatever it truely is.. :(
Its a guppy that is sick, not the neons.... I didn't know neon disease could pass to guppies... ?
I heard a rumour that it can be crossed... shes is still sat on the bottom, still alive but not well.. bear with me im just gonna do the water tests now..
Water quality tests (before ive done a 25% water change)

PH 7.6

Ammonia 0.25ppm

Nitrite No2 0.00ppm

Nitrate No3 10ppm

My tap water has high PH of about 7.8 and has a small ammount of ammonia present after de-chlorinated.

None of the neons are ill looking, neither are the other 2 female guppies in that tank, one older, one younger.

Gahhh im so puzzled on what to do!
Ive just had a look at her now... just noticed a really thin almost clear stringy looking poop coming out of her, about 2 cm long.

Is this just waste as shes not really being eating or does this sound like a worm or something? :(
scratch that last post. the clearish stringy poo eventually became red/brown normal poop. shes still sat there tho. time... and hopefully she'll b ok
Neon tetra disease can affect more than just neons. It is just the name of the disease. Its hard to say wether or not that the .25 ammo contributed. But if it is neon tet disease there is no exact known cause or cure. :( the poor unlucky dear.

Keep us updated if you notice anymore about her. Oh! And try to post a few pics if u can
I've got a guppy fish that is a little like that. Dull in color, very thin body and looks sick with clody stringy poo hanging out the back. I thought it was old age, would this disease pass to my other guppy's?
It is always best to (if possible) isolate sick fish. Except when they have ich. It is not especially known if the disease is contaigous.

You can get a 5-10 gallon tank with an air pump and heater to house sick fish for the length of treatment.
Water quality tests (before ive done a 25% water change)

PH 7.6

Ammonia 0.25ppm

Nitrite No2 0.00ppm

Nitrate No3 10ppm

My tap water has high PH of about 7.8 and has a small ammount of ammonia present after de-chlorinated.

None of the neons are ill looking, neither are the other 2 female guppies in that tank, one older, one younger.

Gahhh im so puzzled on what to do!

You've got an ammonia reading, that's whats making your fish sick. Do large water changes until ammonia/nitrite are constant 0
Water quality tests (before ive done a 25% water change)

PH 7.6

Ammonia 0.25ppm

Nitrite No2 0.00ppm

Nitrate No3 10ppm

My tap water has high PH of about 7.8 and has a small ammount of ammonia present after de-chlorinated.

None of the neons are ill looking, neither are the other 2 female guppies in that tank, one older, one younger.

Gahhh im so puzzled on what to do!

You've got an ammonia reading, that's whats making your fish sick. Do large water changes until ammonia/nitrite are constant 0

I would agree with snazy the ammonia is way too high for pure bred guppies, its more the hybrids can resist ammonia for a certain length of time, i suggest to also brig down the acidity to around 6.8 all fish can live healthily in that pH as its close to neutral. Feed her brine shrimp and blood worms rather than flake food and maybe add some algae wafers for her to graze on as she will benefit from the nutrients algae has. i would also check your filter as the bacteria should be a brownish colour inside, these will use up the ammonia and exchange it into nitrates for plants, i suggest getting a live plant or 2 to keep the biological water content to an optimum. Use pebbles that are made of a mixture of basalt and limestone as these break down slowly and will regulate your water pH and create breeding grounds for good bacteria.

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